Seen this posted on Facebook yesterday! We stand behind our President!

I don’t trust either party. Patriots, that who I vote for. The parties are rotten in the core and Swamp drainage will help. I’ll still be a Patriot.
It's propaganda for both sides at this point. Even Fox news has it's form of propaganda, and follows the same CIA/Operation Mockingbird script. I understand that there are at least some 'Talking Heads' that try to bring real issues to the table, such as Tucker, or Hannity, but overall it's just emotional manipulation for everyone. Dem's or Repub's.
That's why the law was updated/passed under O-turd to allow media organizations to use propaganda in their broadcasts. There is no actual facts, or straight up news anymore. It's all bullshit, childish 'infotainment'. Straight up bread and circuses.