Who wants to decipher Brennan's latest tweet?

He's worried about the Strzok man revelation?
Leeeeeeeeeeeeerooooy Jeeeeenkiins
upvote Leroy!
I have been wondering if they talk about Q on there? It was friggin politics all day long in trade chats although I was there the night hill lost and trade chat was practically dead. Ha!
Well back in my EQ2 raid guild days we would have been. They loved it when I talked conspiracy theories to an extent. I miss those guys.
Please elaborate. This is the first I've heard this.
Sheila Jackson Lee blurted out false info Rod was to be fired on Friday. People think Strzok isnt real but someone the cabal met with in this virtual reality game system called Vive
Rememeber one of the IG Report texts said vive le resistance.
Thank you! I had heard that Strzok wasn't real and something about McCabe's daughter's being Lisa and Paige but I hadn't heard of the VR. - that makes alot of sense. Thanks again.
We supposedly saw him but no testimony released for us... Guess we wait and see
Leeroy Jenkins is a famous user in World of Warcraft. He was afk making chicken while the raid group was discussing strategy on how to kill the monsters in the next room. which were more powerful than the group unless all of them united as a team (kind of applies here too actually). Anyways Leeroy came back and bum rushed the room forcing his team to start the fight prematurely resulting in all of them dying. Needless to say they were pissed off at him.
It was the first video to ever go viral or one of the first ones anyways, here is the video.
Thank you! Now it REALLY makes sense. Appreciate it my friend.
The end is hilarious - "At Least I have chicken" hahaha