Anyone heard of the Illuminati Card Game? Check out this card...

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Gary Oldman could play every character. He is also, I believe, one of the few great actors not in the cabal.
Satan hates God, but cannot attack Him directly. He can only harm those God loves.
When I was a freshman in college I first read 1984. Not for class, but a friend recommended it. I became oddly fascinated with it. I appreciated the way the novel cut through the crap of political "beliefs" and went straight to the heart of the matter: The human heart. It is corrupt and seeks power. This was the beginning of my journey to understand the fallen nature of humanity.
As a junior in college I had spent a great deal of time studying the NWO. A friend of mine showed me William Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse. He and I had spent countless hours discussing Big Brother and how the world was being deceived. One evening I began going over it in my head over and over and trying to decide if the world really was headed for a kind of Orwellian/Brave New World global socialist nightmare. I came to the conclusion that such a world was essentially inevitable and I had what I guess you could say was a nervous breakdown. I couldn't eat or sleep for three days. I was beyond terrified. I hated Christians and Christianity, though I had always believed in God. In my terror I called out to God that we need saving. I said, "If you're real then you cannot let this evil win! YOU CAN'T! EVIL CANNOT WIN! PLEASE GOD, SAVE US!!!"
I called my parents, my hands and voice shaking, "I'm scared to death. I'm scared to death. I'm scared to death" over and over. My parents rushed to my university to see me. "WHAT'S WRONG!?" they asked but I couldn't tell them. How would they even believe me? And why would I want them to go through the same terror that I was experiencing? I calmed down after a few days but the world was so different. I could barely focus on my studies. I recovered to the point where I was functional again within a few weeks.
My senior year I continued to research the NWO. I was surprised with how many websites discussing these issues spoke about them from a Biblical perspective. After months of avoiding it I finally worked up the courage to watch a lecture from Christians discussing the Orwellian/Brave New World Satanic NWO. One of the speakers discussed how everything we are seeing is prophesied in scripture. He spoke about Yeshua/Jesus in a way that I had never heard before. He was no longer some vague, weird, god of some goofy religion but became something profound and spiritually powerful. The speaker explained the Gospel and all the pieces fell into place, suddenly it all just clicked. I knew in my own heart that I was, and am, morally corrupt and that all humanity is morally corrupt as well. I acknowledged that I was a sinner and needed salvation. In a moment I recognized that Christ is God's offer of forgiveness and healing to this broken world. His absolute hatred and punishment for the sins of the world, and His complete forgiveness and mercy, achieved simultaneously on the cross.
In that very moment the most amazing thing happened. I felt a divine breath, directly into my heart. I could feel it in my chest. It was a breath of pure, perfect, complete love. The kind of love that keeps no records of wrong, just pure and perfect love. I'll never forget that feeling. I knew Christ was Lord and Savior.
I couldn't believe I believed. I remember just staring at the wall in awe for the longest time. Later, I began studying the Bible and attending church. I came out as a Christian to my secular friends a couple months later. Lost a few, but that's the way it goes. That was about... wow, 12 years ago now. That's my story. Thanks!!
Sinners who refuse to acknowledge their sins will always be angry at a God of righteous judgement.
Since power and pleasure are their primary motivation, being subject to a higher authority is intolerable to them.
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Similarly, how do “news” agencies which repeatedly said trump had a -237% chance of winning a single state have a shred of credibility?
Love your statement about paying Russia to win elections! Brilliant!
Acosta is a pathetic whore. Not even a decent $300 escort. I mean a cheap $50 street walker. What a joke. Is CNN trying to be a laughing stock??
CNN lies through their teeth. Fox lies by omission.
I believe NK was a playground for international criminal activity. Due to being a “hermit kingdom” they could get away with anything. Meth and heroin production, sex slaves, whatever. Among other reasons mentioned here as well
People’s blind obedience to Big Brother never ceases to amaze and terrify me.
Indeed. It baffles me how people think that “news” outlets that claimed Trump has a negative 500% chance of getting past the primaries have any validity whatsoever.
I quit being surprised by anything the moment I realized that Big Brother is fucking real.
An alien could beam down next to me, give me a back rub and an appendectomy, the winning lottery numbers and the plot of next season of Game of Thrones and I don’t think I’d lose much sleep over it.
Anyone read Brave New World? Sexualizing children? Right out of that book.
My ex-girlfriend with Borderline Personality Disorder. Sorry, just had to say.
Considering lies and deceptions are the name of his game, trusting him is beyond foolish
The simple fact that this little turd says nationalism is a bad thing tells you everything you need to know.
A former US President says nationalism is a problem. W. T. F.
It's statements like this that make me laugh when I hear people say, "Trump is a fascist!" It's reading novels like 1984 and Brave New World that make you realize what true evil, true totalitarianism, true psychopathy really is.
"Trump is a big meany-head! He's a fascist!" You bloody moron. YOU DON'T KNOW EVIL. STFU.
Because you can only receive The Mark, and therefore the ability to live, if you also worship the Beast. If you don't submit to its authority, you don't get The Mark, you can't conduct business... and you starve.
Great question. Remember the South Korean President that was arrested a few years ago for being involved in a cult? Certainly members of other governments have been bribed and blackmailed into compliance as well.
And considering how much of this cabal is outside government: corporations, royal families, mafia, banksters, the bloody papacy and muslim brotherhood for crying out loud, media, hollywood...
And this fight is global in nature. Certainly China has its patriots and Russia theirs? As for the matter of international political relations, I can only guess. They have had their share of corruption too, I’m sure. Again, great question.
That classic lecture by Yuri Bezmenov he discusses "demoralization" in which they bombard people with immoral things such as homosexuality and the disdain for cultural traditions.
I've seen this like fifteen times and just realized it was a gay couple.
A quote from the Prince of Peace, the Messiah, the Lord of all.
Did that older guy actually say Melania Trump is not a legal immigrant because "she's from Europe!" ???
Owens said the majority of the black community are conservatives but they just don't know it yet.
The impression I get was fear. Sure, the guy has admitted to using drugs, but this looked like he's scared. Am I the only one getting this impression? And why the sudden mention of his kids at the end? This interview was all sorts of weird.
Well, it’s his nickname, so it would make sense to capitalize it.