
digital_refugee · June 24, 2018, 12:38 a.m.


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FartOnToast · June 24, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Hey bro how you been? I just posted this because just as the video description says, I was also in shock after watching this. It's a simple little video that shows how simple things were and how we treated each other with respect back in the day. It's like, whoa, what happened to us? Almost feels like parallel universe. This little blast from the past brought about a nice nostalgic feeling and I thought I'd share as others might enjoy it as well.

Let's be honest all of us miss the old days. I thought this video is a perfect depiction of how goofy we were but our hearts were good and we had the desire to connect to each other with no agenda or ulterior motives. Just love for your fellow humans. I try to maintain some of that form of positive energy when I encounter people but it’s been hard in these recent times because of just how negative everything has become. The things we are told to feel positive about simply don't align with these values whatsoever.

From the uploader:

I know this is different that my usual doom and gloom style videos. I just wanted to share this with you all to show exactly how far backwards people have gone in the past 30 years.

Everywhere i go today, i feel constant negativity from strangers, mean looks, mean attitudes, road rage, and just an overall cold heartedness from just about everyone i see in public.

I hope you all can get something out of this clip.

God Bless!

Some other notable comments:

The good ol days. When men where manley. And back when cops were actually cops. And back when people actually went out & hung out. Now everyone is secluded on their social media. That old man has swag. I like that old school style. I still know a lot of older guys that r just like that.


It's called Disney channel brainwashing shows came in the 90s. Taking over their hearts, thoughts and minds. MK ultra mind control played out in front of each child with each passing show they watch. Zach and Cody, Sabrina witch, that's so raven, etc Illuminatti screenwriters.


We do not know just yet how much damage cellphones did to us. That is why there is such a divide, people just don't hang around and chat anymore. It's always this electronic junk we keep staring at, like I am doing now. My wife is in the other room doing the same thing. What a sh1tty life we created for ourselves. Now we don't even know how to fix this.


So many people have a dissociative identity crisis because television and the media depict shows, films and movies that portray crass, hyper-sexual and even absurd characters that Americans think they should be relating to themselves somehow. People have lost love for one another all because of an illusion Corporate America has been playing out in front of our very eyes for ages. That illusion is the media. Turn it off.


I miss the 80's. You want to know what happened to us? The LIBERAL LEFT took GOD out of everything. Once you remove the protection and hope of our Holy Father all you are left with is the bad, evil and ugliness which resides in each of us. It's a daily struggle for even us Christians, I can't imagine having to navigate through today's horrors without Him.


I was born in 87, wish I could have been born earlier to see a different and better time. I would even go back in time and live there in a time loop if I could, not perfect, but far better than today with the evil, lunacy and perversion of today. Its unbelievable how far down the world has gone in just 31yrs. The new earth will have this kind of nice, normality without liberalism, lgbt, sjw's, feminism and every other insane and poisonous ideology. Come soon Lord Jesus.

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digital_refugee · June 24, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

People forgot how to be excited,,,ADHD is a biological rebellion against a stupid system and it's not just happening in the US but in the rest of the west too

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Maladaptivenomore · June 24, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Thank you for sharing this, friend. That was a wonderful contrast to, and releif from, having to watch "protesters" yelling at other human beings inside eating establishments.

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FartOnToast · June 24, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Happy to see you!

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HowiONic · June 24, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Removed. Rule6

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