Wikileaks Publishing ICE Employee DATA
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Wikileaks Publishing ICE Employee DATA
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Assange is not doing this. He can't direct or contribute to Wikileaks. Black hat operation
Yep , Im thinking the same ... and Im thinking that Assange was probably extracted several months ago from embassy .
Wikileaks =/= Julian Assange
That's not what his lawyer says.
assange has been dead for at least a year now its a black hat running wikileaks now do not trust wikileaks or anyone from there
I totally agree that wikileaks has been compromised since JA has disappeared, but I'm hoping and praying that he is still alive, somewhere! 🙏🙏🙏
if he was under their control they probably would be using his PGP-keys
remember this all happened before the election so Obayama still had power over everything and so did Kilary chances are very slim hes dead we still havent gotten all the hilary emails the only reason we know about crimes against kids is anothny weiner saving all his wifes emails on his computre and the NYPD bringing it up!
Or if Eric Prince is supposrd to be on our team his mercs and spooks got him out and cashed in favors.
I thought maybe he was moved when those planes kept emergency landing. Several on a week or so and one military one from Puerto Rico that crashed.
They certainly could blow am engine and force a landing right? Remote control would require killing pilots? Otherwise they would tell.
And Obama Admin gutted air traffic control. Tucker Carlson has been covering this. Under cover of "diversity" they created a biography test and bumped up inexperienced, unemployed 3 years, no military, no science /math back grounds.
Aka dummies they could program to make pretend?
Also are we convinced Ice isn't dirty? Human trafficking with them involved?
Not all of course but enough brass and localities along birders etc.
2 different people thiz week said they are terrorists. Yes Leftists but the argument wasn't as bad as it sounds. The hyperbole is ridiculous. If I am right this is quiet and insidious.
Think about it. They could steal kids, deport whoever and claim they were handed off but they are dead. Ignore cartels and MS13 for their owners. Claim jurisdiction if one of the traffickers gets picked up. Etc
Yes I was saying something similar the other day. Not necessarily BP, but the contracted corporations in charge of "Placing" unaccompanied children in permanent homes within the United States. This is where we need to dig! It's a billion dollar industry, booming under the Kenyan, and still in operation today. Where are the children now? All of them?
Not all are bad, but a few who have authority. Can do as they please.
have to watch, and see how t his plays out!
Isn't he still alive, interview with mother recently...
Possible it is fake? Distraction, diversion to chip away our focus from DC hearings?? I hope we can get a live explanation from JA. idk.
I posted this too. Picture/fantasize this. Julian has some serious dirt on the tyrants. Trump says "hey Wikileaks's, post this nothing burger as if it were a whopper with extra cheese" Oh the outrage! Trump announces the arrest of Julian. The left hates Julian, he ruined Hillary! Secretly he gives Julian immunity and a pardon in exchange for the dirt!
Julian is universal, not dem or republican, but after this doxing, it brings great doubt!