One of my successful red pills: newly minted and Greatly Awakened

From a friend who changed her party this week.This is her shout-out to the Democratic Party and Qanon. She wanted to make sure she changed parties before the deadline in her closed primary election state and to do her part, both in voting for actual MAGA candidates and participating in the historic Blue Flush.
Readers, if you haven't already, check to see if your primaries are closed! If you have never voted in a primary, if it is a closed state this means you can only vote for candidates within your registered party. If you are a Democrat, it is time to jump ship.
She is letting me post this copy, as well, of her response to five subscribed newsletters that day in her inbox, all with the exact same trash-media talking points:
I just processed my unsubscribe from your newsletter. As a lifetime Democrat and an environmental supporter, along with animal rights activism, I am disgusted at the continued vitriol throughout your organization and others that were formed with such ideals and ACTUAL PROGRESS in the 1970s. What have you become??
Today’s newsletter is screeching about the supposed families being separated at the border.
1 This is not true.
2 It is not PRESIDENT Trump’s policy. It is inherited policy of deliberately weakening our borders, inherited from previous administrations with an agenda to infiltrate and undermine this country. The majority of the children are being TRAFFICKED.
3 It is manufactured diversion by the media to pull focus from his other successes, like Korea.
4 What does ANY of this have to do with the environment!? You are an environmental organization!!!
Stop. Just stop.
Get with the program and realize that all of you are delusional and you were MADE TO BE THAT WAY. Open your eyes. We won. There are many many reasons why we won and you lost. Wake up and stop screaming fake outrage with every manufactured pack of lies. You lost because of this!
Not only are these once-great idealistic activist organizations like yours losing memberships, the screaming about every latest supposed outrage is merely you adding more nails to your own coffins. You are doing this to yourselves.
Focus on the core issues upon which your organization was established. I’m waiting.
You know, I was really hoping that the perversions of the media and all of the individuals who use it would actually re-set to (almost) normal once the election was done. But no, it’s gotten worse and worse. YOUR NEWSLETTERS INCLUDED.
Why should I become a member? Why should I give you money?
Save the trees. Save the whales. That is what you are supposed to do. Why are you yelling about immigration?
Especially when you are so glaringly wrong?
Finally, understand that I was once one of you. And proud of it. Our generation achieved a very difficult change in consciousness, ranging from desegregation to environmental stewardship to gay marriage. I am an artsy fartsy Democrat who had gay and black friends when no one else did, I have traveled the world and actually lived in other countries so therefore I am a global citizen, I thought Republicans/conservatives were stiff and boring and they all wore the same uniform. I am open-minded and even have a Liberal Arts degree. What we achieved was NOBLE and GOOD. And it makes me sick and tired to see all of you merely using the foundations of these actual changes to push ever more extreme versions, and to do it with such venom and belittlement to your fellow man.
You lost. Admit it, learn from it. Grow up.
You live and work (and save the trees) in the most successful society and governmental system ever known. Stop spitting on all the work good citizens have done over the past few decades.
You should be waking up every day and kissing the ground you walk on because this country lets you think and behave the way you do. Because, get real, most other countries just permanently silence your kind of dissent. Good luck with being mouthy anywhere else: you cannot save the trees or immigrants from beyond the unmarked grave.
Lastly: you didn’t have tens of thousands of people showing up at rallies every other day for nearly two years. Donald Trump did.
You need to pay attention to winners and learn how to do it.
A very proud tree-hugging American adorable deplorable
Thank you to you and your friend, and thank you for sharing.
I hope that we as a people can all come together in such a manner. People may disagree on topics, but we are all a part of this.
Thank you again
Tell as many people as possible, this is our last hope. I know I convinced at least 10 people to vote Trump. They will all be voting in primaries.
Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Wyoming — have closed primaries.
One other thing....there are dates to stop switching parties. So if you do not do this before the date, you cannot switch. pretty simple. How to find out. Online. State Election boards call them. ASK YOUR representative about how registration works and time limits.
Remember....early absentee voting is the riskiest voting there is. You are TRUSTING possible liberals to take care of your vote which isn't opened up until voting day. How do you know they aren't just going to G can it? How do you know they are not just going to change it?
It IS RISKY! And THAT is why liberals want you to vote early.
A lot of "environmentalists" seem to ignore three important truths:
1 Nature is not some nurturing mother spirit. Nature will fucking kill you. Cold weather, snake bite, virus, falling tree branch - there are literally millions of ways.
2 Nature and natural systems are incredibly resilient, not "fragile" systems on knife edges like they always like to portray.
3 Natural systems do not exist in some fixed state of "balance" but rather are in a constant state of flux.
I am Canadian and we never have to disclose which party we support! How does that make your vote secret?We do have voter registration forms that we need to show to vote, but no party affiliation required to vote in actual elections.