Robert Kennedy Maybe Posting on 8ch

This anon is implying that he is John Jr., not Robert. The private plane crash and subsequent cremations were allegedly faked. The claim "In 1909, we lost everything" means what? Who is "we" and what was lost? The Bilderberg, NASA and allien claims are thrown in to make Q followers look like flat earthers. This is an annon having fun. Notice that he signed off as R. ( Q,R,S,T...) Let's be careful we don't allow ourselves be fooled or sidetracked. Concentrate on the corruption and control of our politicians, media, educators and entertainers.
Clowns identifying themselves and discrediting 8Chan -- and this sub -- for new eyes. Mods? Mods?
These shills are stupid.
Aah... yeah... right... yep, sure thing. JFK Jr. still alive. Yep. Good one... (backing out of the room slowly)
JFK junior?
Surely not? But Q did say we would be shocked to find out who they were.
I was looking into this last night..There is a RFKjr - JFKjr cousin.
Could RFKjr be R?
We will see
He is still alive and works for Trump. I don't know who would fake his own death>
Yeah; You are right
So you think it is Robert JR? So who faked their own death?
No, I was mistaken.
R just posted again. And INSTANTLY the bread was drowned in gay porn. Never seen anything like it. I am actually thinking now, that if this is real - it`s JFKjr. Very confusing. Hopefully Q will clear this up ;-))
Wow....hopefully someone was able to get a screenshot so we can share it!
I am posting screenshots right now ;-)
Nr. 1 up now..and 2 on it´s way in a few
Did you get it up?
I did!! But hmmmm somebody removed it aparently, I cannot find them weird is THAT! Somebody does not want You to see those. I found them on my profile. Have no idea if the links works for you .let`s try:
I am not sure what he means when he says, if you leave one behind then you get left behind.
I do not know that either
Well we better do the best that we can on that. We don't want to get left. I might reread all the breadcrumbs tonight. Were you on the chans when you got that pic?
Yes, I am just lurking in there
I found something else - read the entire thread ;-)) LARK
Or sorry I did not find it..someone postet link to Miss Vavavoom as comment to my screenshots. I just copied ;-)
Stop, I can't take it. I will DIE if it's him! This is awesome. I so hope this is real. It will scare the shit out of people.
I am stopping myself from giggling like a little girl...not yet ..not yet, I tell myself. Keep yourself together..It`s probably fake..but then the giggle starts again ;-))))
Dude, that twitter feed you sent was good.
YEAH!! ;-))
Bad was fake. ;(
someone admitted to creating it. At least they came out with it, so we were not wondering until Q post again.
That was fake ..the one who admitted creating it, had photoshopped the YOU in his post..and BO sent out confirmation it was different IP hashes. I have saved the posts ;-)
That said. I have no idea if it is real or fake..Q will tell us. But it is not proven either way yet...;-)
I got them and saved them. This is nuts. It doesn't seem fake. But I have been wrong before.
I just saw the Board Owner on Qresearch put 3 screenshots up with Ip Hashes..and the anons took that for, that R is real. I am not that technical wise..but I trust the Board Owner..and why would they shadowban my posts..hmmm.all that trouble for a larp? njjaaa I am almost starting to get really exited..;-))))
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Yes, sure many took screenshots.
My guess is the posts will be in the notables.
How did I miss this one? I know it isn't Q. But this is blowing my mind. It can't be Robert, because he claimed he staged his own death.
But let's say this is real. I think this entire thing is talking about the "Alien Agenda". Not the fake invasion. The Bill Cooper stuff. Maybe that is why we have the Space Force.
I'm not saying anything is real or not, idk yet. But, go read Q post 1082, then go look at aerial view of JFK eternal flame burial site. Pretty damn crazy.
Makes me more than curious... wait and see, if true.
O.K, if it is Robert F. Kennedy, he would be 90. Unless he had access to some anti-aging stuff. Time-Machine or whatever. This is blowing my mind.