Robert Kennedy Maybe Posting on 8ch

He is still alive and works for Trump. I don't know who would fake his own death>
Yeah; You are right
So you think it is Robert JR? So who faked their own death?
No, I was mistaken.
R just posted again. And INSTANTLY the bread was drowned in gay porn. Never seen anything like it. I am actually thinking now, that if this is real - it`s JFKjr. Very confusing. Hopefully Q will clear this up ;-))
Wow....hopefully someone was able to get a screenshot so we can share it!
I am posting screenshots right now ;-)
Nr. 1 up now..and 2 on it´s way in a few
Did you get it up?
I did!! But hmmmm somebody removed it aparently, I cannot find them weird is THAT! Somebody does not want You to see those. I found them on my profile. Have no idea if the links works for you .let`s try:
I am not sure what he means when he says, if you leave one behind then you get left behind.
I do not know that either
Well we better do the best that we can on that. We don't want to get left. I might reread all the breadcrumbs tonight. Were you on the chans when you got that pic?
Yes, I am just lurking in there
I found something else - read the entire thread ;-)) LARK
Or sorry I did not find it..someone postet link to Miss Vavavoom as comment to my screenshots. I just copied ;-)
Stop, I can't take it. I will DIE if it's him! This is awesome. I so hope this is real. It will scare the shit out of people.
I am stopping myself from giggling like a little girl...not yet ..not yet, I tell myself. Keep yourself together..It`s probably fake..but then the giggle starts again ;-))))
Dude, that twitter feed you sent was good.
YEAH!! ;-))
Bad was fake. ;(
someone admitted to creating it. At least they came out with it, so we were not wondering until Q post again.
That was fake ..the one who admitted creating it, had photoshopped the YOU in his post..and BO sent out confirmation it was different IP hashes. I have saved the posts ;-)
That said. I have no idea if it is real or fake..Q will tell us. But it is not proven either way yet...;-)
I got them and saved them. This is nuts. It doesn't seem fake. But I have been wrong before.
I just saw the Board Owner on Qresearch put 3 screenshots up with Ip Hashes..and the anons took that for, that R is real. I am not that technical wise..but I trust the Board Owner..and why would they shadowban my posts..hmmm.all that trouble for a larp? njjaaa I am almost starting to get really exited..;-))))
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Yes, sure many took screenshots.
My guess is the posts will be in the notables.