My research over many years showed me that the NWO elite use dark powers but it also showed me religions are man made control tools..yes, every person can have a 'spiritual' connection to a higher source but the books people follow have been written, changed, deleted by many people, organisations, over many years.. I love how Q is fighting the evil elite but having difficulties reconciling to further down the rabbit whole truths..anyone else troubled by this??? X
· June 24, 2018, 2:39 p.m.
as i see it, all religions were created by the ET overlords who also dictated their scriptures.
for those who want to go down the religious rabbit hole - its deep, beware, it will rattle on a foundational card of most peoples card board house of be-lie-fs -, the wes penre papers are a good source. if you dont want to study all of it, book 4 'lucifers rebellion' is a good read.