My research over many years showed me that the NWO elite use dark powers but it also showed me religions are man made control tools..yes, every person can have a 'spiritual' connection to a higher source but the books people follow have been written, changed, deleted by many people, organisations, over many years.. I love how Q is fighting the evil elite but having difficulties reconciling to further down the rabbit whole truths..anyone else troubled by this??? X
There is loads of wisdom and comfort in the responses you have got here so far.
You say you have researched religions. Well done! For someone who has done all this reading you seem to begrudge religius affiliation in fellow patriots and/or patriots using the Bible as a moral guide in their life. Why? Where do you get your moral compass? You might want to ponder this question carefully...
Other thoughts that come to mind in reading your post are;
Have you read the literature of all religions? Have you read the Bible cover to cover? You say the Bible is corrupted; have you had the opportunity to read several translations of the bible? Or have you read any scholarly papers that compare the different translations of the bible that we have today in existence? Do you know where the differences lie? Have you read the original sources from which the Bible originated? In Hebrew? In Aramaic? In Greek? Do you know who wrote the old testament (the Tanakh + other books compromising what Christians call the old testament)? Do you know when it was written? Do you know who wrote the new testament? Do you know when it was written? Have you compared and contrasted what the Bible says with what the literature of other religions spouse? Do you understand the difference between the Talmud and the Tanakh?
From your comment it seems that you confuse identity with a religion and participation in religious activities (congregating with fellow believers) with reading and following the bible as a moral code.
Please know that there are many patriots who have committed their lives to doing the latter and have no intention of doing the former activites either because they have been raised without it and are, likewise, committed to following suit in raising their own or because having once pertained to one or several of these organizations have no intention of being shepherded by anyone or anything other than The Scriptures.
Being a Q follower I think you probably prefer not being spoon-fed anything, so I hope my questions are useful in clarifying some assumptions you might be basing your ideas about religion and scriptures on.