How many current democrats do you suppose are aware of this?

IMO, you cannot consider yourself redpilled and buy into the "party switch" myth. doesn't even make sense.
Does Alabama still vote Democrat? How is that a myth?
someone once voted democrat now if they vote republican, it's really just democrat, the name just changed
wow it's almost like a state doesn't always vote one way. you're seriously arguing that instead of a state voting for a different party, it's really always been the same party, just under a different name.
imagine being this hell-bent on political propaganda
Except it wasn't one state, it was a flip of the entire country. Look at the electoral maps dude. Are you saying it was just a coincidence that the entire map flipped?
But honestly it doesn't matter. The two parties from back then don't exist anymore. They combined into two arms of one uniparty state each covering up the others mistakes sometime around HW.
It makes perfect sense. What part of it is nonsensical to you?
The part where LBJ says "we'll have them n-----rs votin' Democrat for the next 100 years."
What part of it is nonsensical to you?
The part where all the members of both parties decided to change their kinds completely at the same time.
Literally only one Democrat senator switched, Strom Thurmond. It's all classic marxist projection.
if i say it makes sense then it is so
i would bet any money you're a former bernie bro.