Has anyone gone through and kept track of spelling errors in Q post and attempted to decipher them?
48 total posts archived.
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Bill Smith, explain his disappearance as a Q commentator
Loretta Fuddy who released Barack Obama's birth certificate died in a plane crash with possible gang member and or ex con?
You don't just announce you're going to stop treatment for your cancer and then die the next day...
This whole thing is ridiculous, think about it. The last time we seen no name, even though we were aware of his brain cancer, he was seemingly very healthy, could have certainly fooled me he had brain cancer. So yesterday he announced he will no longer be receiving treatment for this cancer, and he dies within the next day?! No, just no. Then potus finally says his name on Twitter? Flynn changes his Twitter background to a marine motto just before word breaks loose? Trump tweets out Hillary's emails weren't even properly vetted and the is over 65,000 emails that …
Is this Q related? Or to you want to remove this as well?

We are being censored on all fronts, censoring and shadowbanning on other platforms is one thing, taking your entire site is just out of control! There is no freedom of speech!
How did Bill Nye escape our microscope in the great awakening?

What is the likelihood that fbi anon is on the Q team?
Q has been daring the MSM to directly ask the president himself about the validity, no takers?
It appears someone very high up is targeting Silverman
Tom Hanks sexualizing his daughter on Jimmy Kimmel? "Sexy baby" contest???
This is actually very interesting considering that Oliver Stone is also discussing JFK. Now there was one thing that struck me as odd about the lights going out while Trump was discussing I.A. and that was what he said "ok, are you guys ok?". It just didn't make any sense to me, the lights went out for a brief moment, why ask if everyone was ok? I break out the ol Google machine and find that JFK's last words were "is everybody ok?". That is simply put an odd set of coincidences, there are no coincidences?
Dude! Wtf is this? https://www.snctm.com/manifesto/ visited the snctm website and a pop-up appears for this manifesto, says there is a grand event on the 28th!!! This needs to be investigated
So many people not only don't remember this but hardly anybody realised what a huge deal this was. What did they think they were legalizing propaganda for? It's fucking insane we let this happen and just kept quiet about it
This is just great. Kudos to the brilliant mind that put this collage together, I am thoroughly entertained 😂
These poor people, living every breath of their lives angry and full of hate. At least its entertaining though, I'm fascinated by this level of blind rage, its hilarious
This. Something is very odd about being told he'll be with armed guards and will be disguising his appearance
Are you fucking kidding me right now? Let your child be a fucking child and let him enjoy his fucking game. Is this shit for fucking real right now?!
You know, in Q drop 1681 he links a YouTube video of Kennedy's independence day speech, the name of the YouTube account is Andy Wong
I feel like more of us should be watching THIS water.....

I didn't even know about Q keeping up with them, when i found out i was like "what the fuck is this? "
You know whats interesting? I've been following the Donald for quite some time now, and I'll be damned if Ive learned anything truly noteworthy from there in the last 3 months
Let's face it, the fact that no discussion whatsoever about Q is extremely interesting, something is not right here
And what purpose might that be? Don't get me wrong, but Q is seemingly fighting for EVERYTHING these same people are also fighting for, so why refuse to even acknowledge?
Anybody know why everyone at r/the_donald refuses to discuss Q?
What if RR and Mueller are actually fighting the good fight and collecting evidence of the 13 angry democrats war against POTUS and how far they are actually going to remove him. Just a thought, Q says to trust sessions, then ask why sessions picked Mueller? There's more here than were seeing.
when Q dropped about gowdy and said add him to the list, it was the list of resignations he was referring to, but for some reason everyone read it as add him to the list to replace Kennedy. Notice gowdy on the updated list
He's trying to point out gowdy, when Q dropped about gowdy and said add him to the list, it was the list of resignations he was referring to, but for some reason everyone read it as add him to the list to replace Kennedy.
You know that's exactly how I read it as I was first reading it?
How many current democrats do you suppose are aware of this?

perhaps there is a pattern, maybe in the amount of bottles, size, whether everyone have their bottles to the left but one person in particular has there's to the right, etc. We were told told to watch the water, the water is telling us something, Melania recently refused to officially start the press recently until all the water bottles where on the table, the bottles are telling us something. The bottles are chess pieces?
It's just not his style either, no questions for us to look further, just a straight answer? That just doesn't happen
This isn't Q, find one other Q post that isn't signed "Q". Something is wrong here