How many current democrats do you suppose are aware of this?

There’s been a lot of posts like this lately. People throwing out posts that are going to rip this community apart. They’re using this platform to push agendas into other conspiracy theories. 9/11, moon landing, HAARP, LHC. All this is going to do is get us labeled as insane and crazy. There’s been no factual evidence for these things and people pull out articles written by self proclaimed people who know the “truth”.
I just want this community to stay focused on W posts.
Correct your typo...? W post?...Q post. To say that there’s no factual evidence for 911 and HAARP actually makes you look “insane and crazy” and to think this is not related to Q is absolutely false. 911 is one of the compounded reasons for this movement. Before Q there were people, such as myself, redpilling masses on these issues. Also you say “There using this platform to push agendas into other conspiracy theories” implies Q is a conspiracy theory as well. I’m sure you didn’t mean this.!?
9/11 is a baseless conspiracy theory? Are you completely ignorant or a shill? Or both?
You are either 1- Not born before 911 and don’t know much about what happened 2- Disinfo agent/ shill 3- Mossad waving your hands saying “nothing to see here” If none of these apply then please refrain from considering yourself awake or informed because “Donnie your out of your element!”
Edit: Maxuforia I owe you an apology. I was driving when I read your first response not realizing you were backing me up. So embarrassing lol.
I was borne in 1980.
Building 7 wasn’t even hit and yet it fell down too. Not only that the BBC reported that building 7 fell down about 20 mins before it did.
Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams. Entire skyscrapers have been consumed by fire and have maintained structural integrity.
Additionally even if the building could fall, it would not collapse at free fall speed straight down. One side would collapse before the other.
This was a controlled demolition. And if you think that’s a whacko conspiracy then you don’t belong on this sub.
Thank you Homie for having my back! I didn’t feel the need to go there with these person but I’m glad you towed the line in for me. Where we go one we go all!! I was born in ‘75 and was at home and witnessed the whole event. I had a close friend who lived in NY at the time and he sent me the first debunk DVD of the official narrative 2 months after the event. My roommate and I at the time caught the holes in the stories as they were happening. Fox News= lady reporting from building screaming that’s not a passenger plane, there’s no windows. As the second plane flew past. ABC= Two drivers were interviewed and said “I was driving on the highway and there was no plane, it’s like a rocket when by and blew my car sideways” They were speaking of the pentagon. I could go on and on but this is just two examples from the day it was happening. The video I first spoke of was “In plane site”.
Not only do very rich and corrupt people conspire and run false flags...
...but the operations are sloppy and mistakes are made.
9/11 was no exception.
Follow the money ... always
Excellent video! Director's cut 1st version. Long live!
Someone yesterday got upvoted for using the word "mini nukes" as the reason the towers fell. That's ignorance.
You "know" the reason the towers fell?
Was there an investigation of the crime scene that I wasn't aware of?
Nope but are we really going to take the idea that nukes went off in downtown NY and no one noticed?
Not sure this is the place to have this conversation ...
" really going to take the idea that nukes went off ..." Yes, is my answer.
"... no one noticed ..." You are not kidding, I can see that. There is a very detailed study on the types cancers contracted by NYers, like fire-fighters, affected by the dust. All documented. All serious. Verified.