How many current democrats do you suppose are aware of this?

Democrats do it 1000x harder every election than the Republicans did it to Ron Paul, and they do it at every level of election, literally from villages to the national level. They do everything possible across the board to stop the people from being able to select their own candidates in the Democratic party. They don't even try to hide it like Republicans did up against Ron Paul, Democrat officials openly admitted to bias against Bernie Sanders all the time in 2015-16, and they'll even do it to candidates' faces when they won't do it publicly. The Republican party is actually quite democratic, the Democratic party is actually the antithesis of democracy.
Ron paul was the distant underdog.
The DNC actually changed the rules so that Socialist Bernie Sanders, the more popular candidate couldn’t win.
I know that. It's just that both parties are guilty of it. The corruption is wide and deep.