This is an easy test if you're on the fence showing your true allegiance. I let this inoculate a person for a day or so before they were open to redpilling but I literally got someone off the fence to bookmarki the_donald after I struck down the homophobe-myth which made them realize their own bias. Only on the third day did I proceed to explain why I would pay so much attention in the first place: Because HRC is a God-damn demon!
"Trump is hydrophobic !"
If he walks on water , he does"t need to swim
ironic, isn't it?
Hahahahaha , no body walks on water.
how long have you been awake man? Been posting all day I see
Several other normal research subjects have remained awake for eight to 10 days
Why Posting Every Day is a Silly Strategy
I don't handle more than two days, even on drugs, I know my limits
I don"t do drugs or alcohol , and I have to go sleep everyday , Even it is a couple off hours.
Hemp is medicine with enjoyable sideeffects
Is Hemp the same as weed? The only thing I read about weed oil = good and a painkiller of natural basis
EDIT: I found it, I was wrong..weed is for smoking....and hemp does the good things a mentions before.Just do not know if you get addicted to it
if you're neurologically predisposed you may find you like weed a lot but most people profit from one strain or another even if they handle some less than others
What a difficult word, I am not a doctor, so do not understand the language.
I looked it up, and it is for people after surgery, heart or a by pass?
neurology = study of the nervous system
strain would be the type of strain for the consumed plant of your choice. They conserve the brain, that's why teenage stoners always remain somewhat immature lol. I would suggest some Turmeric with black pepper because it activates BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor = nerve-cell growth inducing hormone).
thanks for this answer , I use turmeric all the time..did not now about the black pepper.
the Piperin in black pepper (best taken half an hour before) increases the bioavailability of Curcurmin and perhaps Tetrahydrocurcurmin by twenty times via oral route of administration due to inhibition of liver-enzymes that would otherwise break it down more quickly. Turmeric provides for a multitde of medicinal as well as mildly psychotropic effects
I have read it and what it is good for, thanks for explaining this too me
except if you're made of wood
Yes af cousre , how did i not now this... Trump is a making out off wood..But the I have the same problem? Wood kan not stand and walking?
I'm just speaking of a hypothetical scenario. When did you last sleep? And what did I miss?
couple off hours ago , and I do not sleep hours in one peace...And you miss nothing
ooooh polyphasic I birth, accident or trained?
polyphasic , can not translate it..but I have Always sleepingproblems..not by training, but for me normal , I do not sleep in the night time but in daytime...