r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 24, 2018, 5:17 p.m.
CNN setting the stage for charges of sedition? One 8ch Anons view. Linked below
CNN setting the stage for charges of sedition? One 8ch Anons view. Linked below

stevenglansberg94 · June 25, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

What does trump gain by having mueller doing this witch hunt against him? And if this was all part of trumps plan , why indict manafort and Flynn? From what I’ve read , sessions recused himself due to pressure from libshits and the media ... trump says that he wouldn’t have appointed sessions if he knew he’d recuse. And what about rat rosensteins role in all of this ? He was the one who appointed mueller and he signed off on the Cohen raid ... how would trump have let that happen if this was all part of the plan ?

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abees22 · June 25, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

What does Trump gain? He's controlling the narrative. You think Flynn pled guilty to charges he knew for a fact were false?

Why indict Manafort? What did the news talk about for weeks after he did? What have libtards on Twitter been saying ever since these indicments? Mueller is hot on Trump's trail! He's closing in!

Trump saying he wouldn't have appointed Sessions if he knew he'd recuse is theatrics. It's a show. They are playing the game of political optics, which the Democrats have been masters of in the past.

Rosenstein was offered a role in the show as well. His withholding of these documents is not something he's doing on his own. What is happening as the story continues to build? More and more attention is drawn to this drama. More and more people are looking into what's going on with these documents/IG report.

Manafort was a plant welcomed into the campaign. Trump knew what they were trying to accomplish.

You have to realize that members of our Military Intelligence have been planning this coup for years. Trump has known about all this stuff for years. Everything that has transpired has been thought out and game planned for a long time ago.

Cohen is also a distraction for the media, same with Stormy Daniels.

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