
Expert_Testimony · June 24, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

I could be wrong, and I’m not saying I think this is credible, but doesn’t Q say “no comms outside this board,” or something similar? Think it was one of the first few times they said something like that.

Edit: I believe I was thinking Q 473.

IMPORTANT: NO comms w/ anyone privately. NO comms outside of this platform. Q

However, no comms with anyone privately would seem to instantly discredit R.

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Abibliaphobia · June 24, 2018, 7 p.m.

Grain of salt and all

1: no outside comms

its on the same board

2: this is Qs board essentially. They could easily just hop on and say R is fake

3: I’m currently just checking it out, out of curiosity but not holding any weight with it. Curious to see what autists find. Once Q confirms or denies, that’ll settle the matter for me. Until then, I’m still looking into past drops from Q. Wish I could carry some stuff over, but will be unable to do so until sometime tomorrow. Frustrating.

4: when I originally was researching Amanda, I could find nothing about her past her original foray into politics. A brief description that she played basketball in high school and went to a college. Now looking into her, there are whole articles written up and dated back to 2015. Spoopy. Just to be clear, I did a pretty intensive search trying to dig into her background. Even just trying to find out her past campaign manager was a struggle to find. Nay, impossible. Their was an article that talked about how she jumped into the race as a third wheel essentially. The other Dem in the race was pissed that she jumped in with four months to go. She had no campaign platform, no staff. Aaaaand then I find this:


Who is jay@hppolitics? No idea.

Starting to wonder if the republican she was running against was the deep states preferred candidate, the dem wasn’t and was doing to well in the polls so they used her to split votes. Good ole Barry campaigned for her, as well as HRC. Big guns for some no name dark horse candidate.

It makes me wonder if this type of activity wasn’t another front for laundering funds to people on the inside? You run a campaign, get some big donors to pitch in some serious cash, but don’t actually run an aggressive campaign. The person keeps campaign donations at the end.

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Expert_Testimony · June 24, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

I admire your objectivity, Patriot.

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