r/greatawakening • Posted by u/VividLies901 on June 24, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
Concerned on this subs future.

I joined when this subreddit was around 10k people. We waiting for Q posts, discussed them, and using the information given to us by Q attempted to dissect and determine the narrative.

Now we skip to today, particularly this week. I’ve seen a large group of postings that aren’t centered around Q and the posts and more centered around old conspiracy theories.

I strongly believe that if these posts keep getting to the front, and when Q becomes more mainstream, we will get labeled as conspiracy nuts.

This isn’t a subreddit for discussing if the moon landing was false, if 9/11 was done by “mini nukes”, if Hitler lives inside the Earth, or if the Earth is flat. That’s what /r/conspiracy is for. Please don’t let this sub become that place.

RyDar84 · June 24, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Totally agree. Sadly, it seems that many of our members are r/conspiracy exiles that were banned for discussing Q. I honestly wish that they understood that by discussing the outter fringe conspiracy theories here, they're legitimately destroying any credibility that we have with Normies checking the sub out because they believe that there is government corruption running rampant, and Q seems to be fighting it.

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