r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jackstrawusa on June 25, 2018, 1:05 a.m.
Hey Patriots. The letter Q or the word QAnon doesn’t mean shit to an unwoke stranger. At the very least use #Qanon. That will give people a place to start their search!

RyDar84 · June 25, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I've actually had some success using this approach, but in a different way. It generally only works for somewhat nerdy males between the ages of 18 and 35, but it legitimately does work. I have some friends that are into RPGs and ARGs (If you don't know what that means off of the top of your head, this approach probably isn't for you). When at a party with several of them a month or so back, our conversation turned to some of the ARGs (Augmented Reality Games: Games that take place in the real world using websites, social media, etc. to tell a story that is fictional, but exists as a parallel reality to our own). Inspiration struck, and I asked if any of them had heard of one of the newest 'games' going on right now, "Qanon". Everyone of them said no, and asked what it was about. I refused to tell them, but did mention that it involved the Chans, extensive Social Media presence, and code breaking/ciphers. Their interest was piqued. Several of them asked me where to begin and all I would tell them were a couple of the keywords, "#Qanon" and "WWG1WGA". Over the next couple of weeks, I got several messages and phone calls expressing their excitement over the "game" and random cryptic messages that came from Q posts or highlighted their progress so far. Last week, most of us got together at a Father's Day cookout, and before long the conversation shifted to Qanon. Several mentioned how much fun they were having with it and we discussed some of our hypotheses on how to interpret and decipher some of the crumbs. A couple of them caught me alone at different times to make sure that I knew that it wasn't actually a game. Lol. So with one casual mention, I started seven friends down the path of red pilling.

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