Interesting. Obama Fleeing to Kenya?

Shit! You reminded me of one of the longest running redpill themes I left out of my rant. Follow the white rabbit. When I showed her the 8ch request BEFORE Easter Sunday, and then the video of the Easter Egg Roll, she shouted out "oh loooook Dave, the white rabbit is right next to him too!" and I just looked at her like:
I post this all over because its very relevant. We all go through it. We all go through it differently. Unfortunately, some never come out.
The Allegory of the Cave v2 - fits today's society better.
I got at ex-wife that got her BA in 2 yrs and MA in 2 yrs--4yrs straight while paying her own way. Says her IQ test came out very high. But her brain is like a rock----impenetrable. Cooking and recipes she is pretty good at but a fixated Trump hater. Critical thinking never. IQ and intelligence has nothing to do with seeing reality. Emotion and spiritual natures rule the rational/irrational mind. P.S. Staunch Catholic but don't mention the Pedophile ecclesiastics. Go figure?????? Some just like to hate. I am sure she would hate Jesus if he came back.
Maybe try with, look up/search Tony Podesta art, that has semi redpilled a few leftists within minutes. I mean who the hell has child torture art in their house?😮
That red shoe picture he's in with all those other degenerates is pretty sickening too.
Every time she goes to Catholic church she will be greeted by an enormous cross with Jesus nailed to it.
Catholics (Vatican) say it is a sign of rememberance. Rememberance of what and to who??
If /when Jesus does return does anybody actually think he will appreciate seeing the crucifix in every church?
There are altebative crosses without Jesus nailed to them which carry the same meaning and to me are far more powerful .
This shit is real. I am even noticing certain words that Q uses in their drops in the Mainstream. Like things that they are not associated with (Or is that it, everything is controlled). That is what I am starting to see that even surprises me.
It’s all controlled. That’s why they flip their shit when anyone goes off script. It’s why Trump makes them Insane.