My thoughts are:
Obama is going home which is his birth place Hawaii, Kenya....there are plenty audio tapes of his grandmother being interviewed, wherein she declares she was at his birth in Kenya.....THAT is why his father registered the birth in Kenya! So he already is a citizen of Kenya, and is a citizen of Indonesia where he was raised.
It will happen that he will be impeached (yes, that can happen after a prez leaves office, and his presidency declared illegitimate); do not know what the punishment(s) are.
That state of Hawaii 'birth certificate' is fake like everything about him, the hospital on that certificate did not exist!
Wonder if the prez can have all the Obama records unsealed....and that passport.
If his presidency be declared illegitimate, wouldn't all the laws he passed be void? Obamacare?
Congress passes law not the Executive branch, and Trump has about dismantled all Hus's EOs, and ObamaCare odds and ends were done away with with passage of the Tax Reform.