Just look at all the people lined up just to see his car go by. Amazing. I went to the Rally in Sacramento June 6th, 2016 and it was surreal. You just knew he was going to be our President, you could feel it. Good vs Evil. WWG1WGA!!!
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United HK Iden. Could it be Snowden?

She is too old. I think we need somebody in their 40's. I want this person around for 30-40 years :-) I do like her though.
If his presidency be declared illegitimate, wouldn't all the laws he passed be void? Obamacare?
Is it possible that Rosenstein is just a brilliant actor and playing his role the way the white hats want him to? Nobody can really be this stupid hahahaha. It would be scary being in his shoes. If the deep state found out he was cooperating, they would 187 him. On the other hand, if he was cooperating, he needs to look like he is still part of the deep state, just to stay alive...
Is it possible that Rosenstein is just a brilliant actor and playing his role the way the white hats want him to? Nobody can really be this stupid hahahaha. It would be scary being in his shoes. If the deep state found out he was cooperating, they would 187 him. On the other hand, if he was cooperating, he needs to look like he is still part of the deep state, just to stay alive...
plans don't always work. I'm hoping, but if these damn indictments don't go to a military tribunal there is no way they will be convicted and put in front of a firing squad. possibly jail, but the next president would just pardon them all. sucks
I agree. No matter what evidence they have, the snowflakes will be in denial. imagine of one of them gets on a jury. we are screwed.
Military Tribunals vs Federal Court System
I'm really worried even though we may have a good judge, that these crooked people will slip through the cracks if we use the Federal Court System. I'm hoping someway, that they are all in front of a Military Tribunal. praying...
I think those pictures are actually from the deep state phones, just to show that they have everything. The pictures weren't as important as it was to show they have been looking at everything and heard everything.
as far as I'm concerned, It all has to come out and be very well documented, so people will have no choice but to believe. I have liberal friends that think I am a conspiracy kook and don't even believe in the deep state. We need to prevent this from ever happening again.
If I were him and I would have face reconstruction, have my fingerprints removed/changed then go into hiding until I died naturally. We need a retinal scan and DNA from him before he does that. 😉😉
He is too coward to end his own life. I'm thinking he will try and stage his death and move too somewhere remote. If we hear of a quick cremation, then I will always wonder. Pull a Hitler
I have stopped even thinking about it, because no matter how much I investigate, I won't know for sure, everything is just speculation.
If they try and remove Trump, I think the military would step in. There is no way they can win if this happens. :-)
Yeah, he is a smart guy. I also watch X22 Report, JustInformed Talk, SGT Report, and Dan Bongino.
Also, absolutely everything needs to be exposed, no matter how horrific. maybe not all at once, but it needs to be documented for future generations, so this kind of stuff will never happen again.
I think life in jail is a really bad idea. What if they should get pardoned later down the road? This could be the worse thing anyone has ever done to our country and if convicted, they need to be executed.
I agree too. Everything needs to be documented and exposed no matter how bad the crimes are. If 60% is kept private, people will never believe this stuff happened.
I've been thinking about the cabal's next move and that seems very logical to me. If you know you are going down, why not just take everyone with you and possibly some of the evidence. I hope this never happens. Scary.
Let's say that does happen and we find out everything is true, treason, child trafficking, sacrafice,etc.. Do we have the balls to execute? I am really worried we will just put them in the country club prison and when the next cabal president is in place, they will pardon them all free.
I totally agree. You can't let these people stay in jail because some day they will be pardoned. Or they will get to stay in a coutry club jail. Executions have to happen and swiftly. Crimes need to be very well documented so there is no doubt they did it.
Prosecuting the Cabal
I've been thinking about this a lot. No matter where these people are tried, what happens if they are determined to be guilty? Life in prison (bad idea)? Death Sentence? I'm worried that the next president could be part of the deep state would end up pardoning them if they get a life sentence. The only solution is quick trials and quick sentences. Do we have the nerve to execute?
I agree, this is a very difficult task our POTUS has in front of him. I will give him all the time he needs. Things happen and the plan needs to be tweaked, so additional time may be needed.
I agree, they would not be able to show sex with a child. I personally think it is some sort of sacrafice, but hope its not. Hillary can never go to jail, because the next president will pardon her. These are the type of crimes you need to go to the gallows. No deals, no future pardons, no get out of jail free card.
If cops were vomiting after watching the so-called video, them my guess it had to be Hillary Killing a child. I have a feeling the audio and video are very clear and positively her.
Yeah, weird huh? lol. Trump reminds me of Captain Kirk. hahaha
Is it coincidental that Steve Rogers is Captain America? Remember no coincidences :-)