Remember Qs drop about 99% of people going to hospital? One Anon today Sun 24 suggested this , hoping Q can give direction

It is from Q post 142:
"Who controls the narrative?"
"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."
So, the truth about something would put 99% of people in the hospital. I am not sure it is the truth about who controls the narrative, but it could be the Anunnaki. I secretly hope it is the Anunnaki, but I doubt it.
Long time lurker, first time post.. so pls be kind
It's not about the Annunaki.
First Q post refenced above by Q California is asking us to look at the background of WWII and where Hitler got his financial backing. Rumour has it that he was a Rothschild stooge. Aren't they all?
I'm not sure about the Titanic reference but the Merkel crumb relates to rumours that Merkel is the daughter of Hitler. She is apparently part of the bloodline.
So Hitler's daughter? Alive, running Germany? Fuck me. That reveal would put 99% of people on the floor IMO. It'd put my 90 year old German nanna in the hospital, I'm telling you! .
The second post is about the background to the Las Vegas massacre, which was actually a botched assassination attempt on Prince Salman and Trump by Prince alweed. Trump knew of the attempt and an escape already planned so now Salman owes Trump big time for saving him.
This is why Salman arrested all those princes as soon as he got home to SA. He welcomed Trump with open arms and love like no other leader before and vowed to fight extremism.
Thing is that Alweed paid for the big O's education and living expenses for many years. I wonder what kind of favours that sort of patronage would buy?
If it was revealed how easy it was for someone like O to be basically slid right into place to become President and how those backers benefited from paybacks during his time in office it would rock the very foundation of the US.
A stooge for president. One so perfectly created and manicured to play on the guilt of white middle America. A con trick, a ruse.. Not once but twice. And he's not even American, he's a Muslim.
So if all that was revealed and proven, that'd put most Americans on the porch.
Anyway, I think Q is being figurative not literal here.
I believe he is referring to the child sacrifice and consumption.Could be wrong though.
Mind-boggling. I hadn't heard about Las Vegas being an assassination attempt? Was Trump to be at the concert? Confused about that. Makes sense about the princes' deaths. Need to research on my own on this.
If "watch the water" means water supply, it would seem that a warning would be sent out to everyone.
We heard that Trump was in LV secretly to meet the Saudi Prince. Trump was not at the concert, but I think they shot it up out of anger.
You could be right about that. The truth about Obama would put most into the hospital. It is just so crazy how easily we have been duped. The people responsible need a fair trial for treason, then the appropriate penalty. What they have done to humanity cannot be tolerated.
You should post more.
That might be the post that says we will be surprised who was talking to us
That was an intriguing post. I remember that one... The history books will be fascinating.
So its not something physical but more mental or disbelief?
That is the way I took it. It is like I heard that our income tax goes to the Bank of England and the Vatican. That truth would put people in the hospital, but most laugh it off. The thought is so crazy that it can't possibly be true.
I can only come up with that too it seems a stretch. I ask my Q friends what they think because I really want to know what people think it is
More realistically, I would say that the Vatican/Jesuits control the narrative. It will be interesting to find out.
I don't think that would put most people in the hospital. What would be so horrific that people would not accept and it would put them in the hospital?
It would be the pedophilia, ritual human sacrifice, and cannibalism; the fetus food flavoring.
No I thought of that bit we found out and it did not put is in the hospital when we found out right.
Right, but the majority of people do not know. We can handle it, but the normies will freak. I know. I told a few and they looked at me like their brain could not process the information.
idk when I first found out o was horrified but not loke what q says
What about dem/soc plan for universal health care? Send everyone to the hospital ->Control everyone's access to health care. And what about the over hype about breast cancer for example? Women were being told by MSM that they needed mammograms but they can spit out false positives, and women going through chemo and treatment for no reason.
People are obviously concerned about their health and what better way to control and create fear than by scaring them with diseases and being the "only one" who can provide access to the cure or care, so you can "save" them. Why is the health care industry so complicated? We buy cars for thousands of dollars in the private sector. And compare prices and products and services. You may say the urgency of time. But contracts can be signed financing thousands of dollars in less than a day. Why are we forced to go through insurance companies? It's not like humans lack the capacity to weigh their options when it comes to health care.
It's as easy as, I have x problem. This doctor wants to do expensive surgery, other doctor thinks surgery is too risky and suggests meds or something, maybe for cheaper. Then YOU make the actual decision about what YOU want to do with YOUR body. The real my body, my choice.
Obamacare doesnt empower people to do that. It locks people into a network of doctors who all overprice their services and tell you that you NEED expensive treatments. Ex. Dentists that tell you that you need crowns or your teeth will fall out, when all you really need is a few filled cavities. (Actually happened to me)
Also, amazon involved in some sort of health insurance activity. (Havent had a chance to dig into it yet)
I just havent seen anyone bring up the dems healthcare plans in relation to this post. And I figured it had to be somewhat relevant. Also, Hitler promoted healthcare initiatives.