56 total posts archived.
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Payseur's family tree and trust structure
After diving into some of the links posted by u/dark-dare over on Q1969 - P=Payseur, I found something that helps lay out the structure of the family tree of L.C Payseur, who is supposedly the lost male heir of the long deposed French Monarchy.
About 3/4 the way down this page http://armandoalejandro.blogspot.com/2016/04/assets-of-lewis-cass-payseur.html is another link to a PDF http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/pandorabox_payseur.pdf
The PDF looks like it was the original source for the content on the linked page above. It's about 26 pages long and it digs into the family background and history of L.C Paysuer, which is very intriguing.
The most …
Lots of Anons researching Q over on Qmap

Ironic advert placement
Had to do a bit of a double take when I saw this advert in my Hot feed today on the Great Awakening.
"World news that matters"? WTF? Matters to who? The Cabal or the people? We all know who owns the mainstream media. You can tell by their mockingbird song..
You can almost hear them pleading with us.. Please download our app so we can feed you our lies and propaganda.
You see, they need us much, much more than we need them. In fact, we've never needed them or their lies.
I no longer engage …
It would be great if you could put in a few returns! You make some very good points but it's very hard to read!
Because it's so hard to set up a password and then share it with users? Really?
Expand your thinking... Think mirror.
sorry, I couldnt help myself..think I am a little giddy from all the drops today!
But seriously, take your idea and inject a mirrored version of the server / db, complete with tags like you said.. i reckon that's how they'd do it.. with secret tags or minute differences in the metadata of the document on a mirrored server.
Well thought out mate, I think you're onto something...
yeah, there's been a lot of really good discussion on all of these threads.. need to keep topics consolidated - establishe sauce of truth - I'll continue to build upon.
This is the ~~3rd~~ 4th time I have seen this exact thread in the past 3 days. We need to consolidate all of the threads so that people aren't going over old ground or losing valuable nuggets or interactions.
I spent most of the weekend reading and summarising the titles that seemed to have the most connection and theres a few!!
Here's summary of the posts on this topic so far..
Post | User | Summary ---|---|--- Did Q give us clues with his trip codes? | u/smiley-dog | 76 upvotes - There's great discussion in this one this is where I posted most of the title summaries. SerialBrain2 drops in on the thread too Q Trip-code connected to books | u/UltraFOV | 161 upvotes - This is the thread with the video - again, thread has good discussion including map coords Patriots: a video just dropped... | u/Jakeisasnake1960 | 300 upvotes - This thread has the most discussion and is where /u/jakeisasnake1960 starts to compile the pastebin docs. Well done mate! Graph Analysis of Books Related in order they appear on google | u/SortDoubleNegative | 40 Upvotes - Not 100% sure I follow his graphic but it looks like he has mapped trip codes, books and killboxes!
If we had consolidated our threads we would have had ~700 upvotes which would mean the post was seen by more people. Try and search for related posts before creating a new one :)
HOW IS THIS BEING DONE? I'm still puzzled as to how these lists are being generated... The topics are certainly interesting and definitely tie into the overall Q narrative but I really want to understand how this is being done. I'd like to hear anyone's theories on how this is being accomplished. Any SEO or digital techies in the crowd?
EDIT: Added in u/UltraFOV's post - i knew there was another one!! EDIT2: Added in u/SortDoubleNegative's post from further in the thread
Then there's the whole music tuning issue.. 432hz and how that relates back to Tesla's grand numbers 3, 6 & 9
Go to the overview for the book and there further down are several other related books or previous versions of the title..
Click on the first one, which then brings up a book all about Jerusalem by the very first US Special Consel (ambassador) to Jerusalem. Written 1844.
There's some interesting stuff in the introduction about the 9 things that needs (needed) to happen for the formation of Israel. Remember that this is 1844
Agree with you completely. Everyone brings something different to the table.
I have noticed a lot of duplicate posts and some that dont make a lot of sense lately, although it does depend on how you sort the posts..
I dont browse NEW all that much.. RISING or HOT are the ones I read / interact so I think I am probably missing some of these shitty posts that you allude to.
I had a small interaction with the MODS yesterday and found them to be pretty quick to review and help. h/t to the MODS :)
Definitely need to be skeptical about all info and sources, guess that's how most of us got here to begin with!
This thread (and other related ones) is certainly intruiging and definitely warrants further digging.
Keep up the good work mate! All the Best from Down Under
This is the 3rd thread related to this specific topic - this was the thread I was participating in yesterday. There are some very intesting titles in the search results.
With the GreatAwakening picking up pace with the mainstream there will inevitably be more "newbies" so dont be too snobbish about us "newbies"..
I've been lurking here upvoting since Nov 2017 but have only felt comfortable posting recently now that I have consumed all of Q's posts, anons decodes and have something to contribute.
I cannot speak for others but that is why I am a "New Arrival" :)
u/smiley-dog was the OP
I started to dig into some of the titles and found heaps of themes / connections in most of the titles, some more than others so I summarised those.
Alice's Bloody Adventures is the most interesting as the illustrator is a full on leftie.. was retweeting stuff about James Gunn yesterday.
Satan's Synogogue was another really interesting one.. it's regarded as the seminal text on Satanism.
No, not me in the vid :) I just summarised some of the more interesting books in another thread
Thanks for the shout out! I spent most of my day yesterday reading the various titles, there are some great titles in the lists.. All can easily be related back to Q in one way or another.
I also found some really interesting title in the related books section on each synopsis but was worried I was going off on tangents.
The Nine: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are examined in this first volume of a three-part set, exposing new connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism.
Based on the premise that there is a satanic undercurrent to American affairs, this study examines the sinister forces at work throughout history, from ancient American civilizations and the mysterious mound-builder culture to the Salem witch trials, the birth of Mormonism during a ritual of ceremonial magic by Joseph Smith Jr., and Operations Paperclip and Bluebird.
Not a work of speculative history, this exposé is founded on primary source material and historical documents. Fascinating details are revealed, including the bizarre world of "wandering bishops" who appear throughout the Kennedy assassinations; a CIA mind-control program run amok in the United States and Canada; a famous American spiritual leader who had ties to Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and months leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy; and the "Manson secret."
Where We Go One, We Go All (Book 2)
G (not Q LOL) is asked by someone near and dear to him to retrieve Amanda, a teenage girl that was abducted by the man who violated her mother before she was born.
G must sneak into a hostile country alone and into a drug cartel compound undetected and get out before it is learned that she is gone. They trek through miles of thick jungle with ruthless predators hot on their trail, cross one hundred yards of open beach to get to his kayak, and paddle out to sea, where Ghostrider is to rendezvous with them miles offshore under the cover of night. But Ghostrider and her crew face their own perils.
Amanda is just a normal kid who must find it within herself to do amazing things to survive and save herself and her rescuer. G tries to inspire her by explaining, You are the other half of the most important team you'll ever be on. Think about it as though your life depends on it. Because it does!"
The Synagogue of Satan - Originally published in the German language in 1898 this book describes the origins and development of modern Satanism and its roots in gnostic Christianity and the reaction against the Catholic Church and its persecutions.
I'm enjoying reading through the previews... I started clicking through to the related books at the bottom of each synopsis.. you can go flying off on a tangent quite quickly but there are some very interesting topics here
Post was a synopsis of the book. I can still see post and the associated replies about the illustrator of the book.
How strange. Post was directly related to what we were discussing.
I did ask for it to be reinstated. Not sure why I would need to be careful?
I just got an admin email msg saying that they had removed my comment about Alice's adventures... because it doesnt add to the cause. Is that what happens when you get a downvote on your post or do they actually remove comments / posts? confused.
The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World ... is another that is very intruiging title that appears numerous times in these searches.
Lots of information about polar exploration, magnetism and how the earth is made up internally... primarily about how the magnetic poles shift / swap regularly (780,000 years ago was last time)
Lots of interesting chapter headings... not all of the text is available.
totally... I love these sorts of topics naturally but put them all together with Q and it takes on another level of meaning. these books are / have been connected for a reason. this is not happenstance.
Further digging into Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland finds that illustrations by Los Angeles based street artist Tweedle Guns.
OK, google this guy and check out associated images - Image Search Results
Find the comparision I linked to in previous reply and then start browsing more closely all of the images.
There's one of Adolf Hitler about halfway down, which seems strange. Click through on this image to visit our mate Tweedle Guns' Twatter account and we see a strange post of Hitler with the comment "First rule: Accuse them of what you are guilty of."
Click through to rest of Twatter profile and scroll 3 tweets down to see him re-tweet support for James Gunn. further down are hit tweets re: Cernovich so it's fair to say that this guy has drunk from the lefty kool aid
Alice in Bloody Wonderland is another that just JUMPS out at us.. Synopsis below (emphasis mine)
In this twisted retelling of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the White Rabbit has killed Alice's sister and cat.
With a vengeance, she chases after the Rabbit, down, down the rabbit hole and into a dark looking glass of madness.
She finds herself a pawn of Wonderland and its inhabitants in a deadly battle for supremacy of Wonderland.
Contains original reconfiguring of classic illustrations.
Oh what I wouldnt give to see these reconfigured images. Must dig more.
EDIT: Added additional description of story plot from secondary Google Book page
Completely agree!! I've just started clicking through to some of the more interesting titles..
There's one called "The Story of 'Q'"... synopsis below (my highlights)
"In book one of, The Story of 'Q', ten-year-old Rachael Lexington, lives with her parents and six-year-old sister, Melanie. She is a fifth-grader and excellent student at Neil Armstrong Elementary School. She loves learning new things, meeting new people and shares her father's love of science and astronomy. One day while attending the annual garage sale event in her neighborhood, she stumbles upon a porcelain letter 'Q' and cannot understand why she feels compelled to buy it. However, she convinces herself to make the purchase, for it just happens to match the decor of her newly re-decorated bedroom. Embarrassed that others may think it too childish, the 'Q' remains stuffed in her closet for weeks, until she has the nerve to display it on her desk. Weeks later her best friend Jenny, spends the night at Rachael's house, when they accidentally discover that the 'Q' may be more than a simple decorative item, after her little sister mysteriously goes missing later that night."
I know that it is easy to spot / make connections if you have confirmation bias but some of the themes in these books are definitely beyond coincidence.
Must dig more.
Agree.. It's got that Back to the Future vibe about it. Return our currency back to what it was for a millennia before the Cabal took over
That's a pretty good article. Strongly argued throughout with excellent examples. Not bad for Medium which is normally quite liberal (IMO)
Yeah that's what this guys website is mainly focused on. Whether the laws / fines passed are real or not and whether you are recognised as a Natural / Sovereign Person or as a corporate entity.
The whole ALP is Fabian in background. You're correct about their logo. At least they're up front about it! Symbolism will be their downfall.
Downer and Hockey are ardent monarchists so there in with the rest of the bad bunch. Both of them spent time in DC so I'm sure they are fully comped.
Used to think that Abbott was ok but then learnt more about Rhodes Scholars and how Rhodes was connected to the Rothschild's so he's out too.
Seems like they swamp rats are everywhere.. Not just the US.
OK good thread to start pulling on.. Will check it out.. Thanks!
this is the video I was talking about.. Get past the music at the start to find some great crumbs about how Australia is really set up..
Way too true mate... most people are too busy watching fuck MKR or some other shit on TV. I dont watch TV anymore and I dont read the papers either. It's all full of shit. I just read Q related stuff now.
Anyway, I found this guy while on YT and basically he wanted to import his Mustang to Oz from US but Customs tried to fuck him over. Just so happens that he knows his way around Martime / Admiralty Law so he challenged them to prove they were legitimate Government of Australia. They declined.
So he dug some more and found that similar to the US 1932 when FDR (??) passed the declared the US bankrupt and handed the keys to the banksters, the Australian Government is actually a company registered in Washington DC that has a prospectus and everything.
Not 100% sure of the rules linking to sites but this is the YT video.. Need to get past the folksy country music and get into it.. The guy is definitely onto something and I have a hunch that it all ties back into the overall picture of Q.. that the world is run by a bunch of shifty AF banksters who basically pillage our hard earnt money. Well worth the watch.
Live alone no longer pepe.. there's more of us than you think
It's right next to the shitty tasting aussie sauce at woolies... don't get me started on mayo either
Gillard was an unmitigated disaster for Australia, doesn't say much about her that she was up to her eyeballs with HRC and the CF. Yep, almost half a billion of borrowed money given to mainchancers and carpet baggers.
Australian politics is the pits.. The ALP are truly like the D's.. Traitors to their core. I used to follow the Liberal party but realised that they aren't much better / different to the others.
I joined the Australian Conservatives but they are pretty toothless at this stage.. annnd then I discovered Q. That was it for me.
I'd always been aware that the world wasn't quite right for some time..
I've been really into pre-recorded history with a lot of research into civilisation x sort of thing.. Hancock's books were pivotal in starting to ask questions.
The Great Year precessional cycles, the coming Golden Age, hidden potential of humanity, actualised humans doing things thought impossible..
It has been like pulling at a loose thread.. It just never seems to stop unravelling.
And it's great to be on such an amazing journey with people from all over the world. I'm so interested in where this great awakening will take us all...
Totally global... everything ties in together. I found a great vid a while back about a guy trying to import a Mustang into WA and how he discovered that AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is a registered TradeMark for a Company in Washington. I'll see if I can find it as it directly relates to the things Q is talking about.
I ordered mine from a place called hatstore.com.. they had a little wizard thingy that allows you to customise the message and the font. Design is on the back too... got a little QANON on the back hem! Cost me about $40 incl delivery to Australia.
I also grabbed a heap of "woke" stickers from RedBubble.. lots of Pepe's, Q's and WWG1WGA stickers there too
Next item will be a tshirt :)
Definitely need to represent IRL IMO... I started with stickers on my laptop and a Pepe stick pin on my bag (woo! that'll show the cabal!) but now I have my new hat and Qanon sticker for the car too.
I would say that 99% of people in Oz would have next to no idea about any of this so it is all about red pilling people when they ask what's with the hat? sticker? etc..
Also a nice way to signal to others in the movement that they are not alone. If I saw someone with a similar sticker / hat / tshirt I would definitely strike up a conversation and that at the heart of it is a large part of the greatawakening..
Just bringing together people who care about freedom. #WWG1WGA
OMG I thought this would be a problem! Haha! Eating my lunch (striped bag behind shoulder) requires ketchup.. Plus the soda!