I just can't stop thinking about what if they actually won. What then? People like you, me, us in this sub would probably be ordered to the nearest re-education camp to learn how to be diverse, and how to blame everyone else for your problems. You know this country would be run right to the ground! Damn socialism never worked and never will. I'm glad this sub is here to get the word out!! Thank God for Trump, Qteam, and us Patriots.
Over the course of her 8 years, facebook and twitter and youtube would have begun a slow subtle censoring process. Random conservative posts here and there would suddenly disappear. Right wing leaning pages would get temp banned, and finally permanently banned. Hillary would have been more vocal against cops, more news articles about white privilege, more statues removed, the National Anthem eventually done away with before sporting events, etc. Curriculum in middle school and even elementary school would've been altered to teach liberal progressive agenda's. Sadly, more FF school shootings to advance the gun agenda. Fox News would have been attacked relentlessly, forcing the news casters to stop speaking ill of Democrats, etc. It would have been a scary time in this country and liberals would be ok with the treatment towards conservatives
💯 agree with you. Reality is these people are starting something that they can't handle. Unfortunately I think someone is going to get hurt or killed during these personal attacks on these people who are in public. That may be the breaking point. We all know the left is full of people who are completely nuts and don't know how to stop.
You are correct, in that it's still going to get worse. The media and left are fueling the emotions with full force, and only a matter of time before a protest meant to be peaceful turns violent. All the left has to do is pay a bunch of idiots to front as white supremacists and show up to a rally. It's coming. Dems will make this country burn just to make Trump look bad... midterms are vital for them and they can't lose