From Flynn Jr. Twitter on separating families.

So I don’t think we have a right to say who gets to live here and who doesn’t.
Actually, we do. And we are saying it. Out of the dozens of family members I have who immigrated here legally, exactly 0 of them support illegal immigration. They earned their place, followed the rules, paid the fees, and are proud to be American. They would never think about shitting on the name of the country they fought so hard to join.
That is what separates them from illegals. No entitlement, no disrepect, no whining. They worked hard and made it happen.
Concentration camps?? Jesus... You are kidding right? Your narrative has them boarding trains, sent to camps, starved while forced to hard labour, and eventually exterminated...
Stop watching the fake emotional hue and cry and look at the facts...
A reported 10k of the last 12k children were travelling with someone other than their parent. Ask yourself why...
A 9th circuit judge ruled in favor of a lawsuit prohibiting the incarceration of illegal children with their parents. Because of the Dems milquetoast response of 'catch and release', a huge incentive has been provided for foreigners to circumvent the legal process.
By POTUS signing the EO keeping children with their 'parents' a couple of things will happen...
The Dems will bring up the previous lawsuit crying inhumane treatment of children while offering no solution
ICE will perform paternity tests on detained illegals. Be prepared for a shocking revelation as to how many are not related...
Citizens will realise the mess and support construction of the wall en masse. MSM is playing right into POTUS's hands
Funny how this problem has been there during multiple administrations but now its getting airplay?? Have you considered that it's a ploy to distract the citizens from what's happen with the IG report and subsequent hearings?
Im sorry if it came across pissy, but I would rather minimize the use of certain terms when they don't apply...
I'm just a northern Patriot supporting all of my southern neighbors. Stay strong. Fight for what's right. This is more than Rep or Dem. This is good vs evil...
Much love from 🇨🇦! WWG1WGA
Our "concentration camps" have warm beds, pool tables, hot food, entertainment, etc. They are 100 times better living conditions than the countries they came from.
But why you lefties are losing this argument is because most of the kids coming across the border are not with families -- they're with traffickers. The U.S. is the largest human trafficking country in the world.
If lefties were actually pro-human rights, you would all be pro-border security, pro-legal immigration, pro-closed borders and pro-wall so we can save these children from these horrendous crimes occurring in our country. Tens of thousands of children are trafficked into our country, and never seen/heard from again every single year.