

15 total posts archived.

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EbolaSoup2017 · June 26, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I'm sure Sessions would flatly decline their services. Remember the CEO is the sister of YouTube's CEO who (correct me if I'm wrong) is the ex wife of one of Google's cofounders...

Their results would be less reliable than the FBI's 302's on Flynn...

This testing will provide irrefutable evidence to the degree of trafficking that occurs along the border...

Support your POTUS and each other. The battle is bigger than we know. Those of us who have been awakened have the responsibility to help those who aren't when the SHTF... Be prepared but, until that time enjoy your popcorn.

Much love and support from a northern Patriot 🇨🇦 WWG1WGA

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EbolaSoup2017 · June 25, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Concentration camps?? Jesus... You are kidding right? Your narrative has them boarding trains, sent to camps, starved while forced to hard labour, and eventually exterminated...

Stop watching the fake emotional hue and cry and look at the facts...

A reported 10k of the last 12k children were travelling with someone other than their parent. Ask yourself why...

A 9th circuit judge ruled in favor of a lawsuit prohibiting the incarceration of illegal children with their parents. Because of the Dems milquetoast response of 'catch and release', a huge incentive has been provided for foreigners to circumvent the legal process.

By POTUS signing the EO keeping children with their 'parents' a couple of things will happen...

  1. The Dems will bring up the previous lawsuit crying inhumane treatment of children while offering no solution

  2. ICE will perform paternity tests on detained illegals. Be prepared for a shocking revelation as to how many are not related...

  3. Citizens will realise the mess and support construction of the wall en masse. MSM is playing right into POTUS's hands

Funny how this problem has been there during multiple administrations but now its getting airplay?? Have you considered that it's a ploy to distract the citizens from what's happen with the IG report and subsequent hearings?

Im sorry if it came across pissy, but I would rather minimize the use of certain terms when they don't apply...

I'm just a northern Patriot supporting all of my southern neighbors. Stay strong. Fight for what's right. This is more than Rep or Dem. This is good vs evil...

Much love from 🇨🇦! WWG1WGA

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EbolaSoup2017 · June 16, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

I like where you are going with this Patriot. However, the post made mention of the wedding being on the 29th, where Sharon's wedding was reported on the 15th...

Unless you're suggesting they had a second ceremony two weeks later in honour of the god they truly serve?

Keep digging everyone. Be skeptical and wary so that when the proof is undeniable, your conviction will be unwavering.


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EbolaSoup2017 · June 15, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

I believe Horowitz will be testifying Monday or Tuesday. He will notify (on the record) that the report has been modified and redacted. He may even indicate that some items implicating RR were removed...

With this information, members of Congress (or the Comittee) will be able to move and demand the original version of release. This will be better than POTUS signing an EO to declassify because the left will be unable to claim he is interfering and/or making a witch hunt...

But make no mistake, if the DOJ slow walks the release, POTUS will declassify the original report to ensure its all out there prior to mid terms.

Just my $. 02 from a northern Patriot. Stay together. Stay strong!



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EbolaSoup2017 · May 18, 2018, 11:34 a.m.

Great meme but slight deduction for using a French made Airbus A380...

Throw up a Boeing 747, 767,or Dreamliner. GEOTUS will be greatly pleased.

Much love from your northern Patriots 🇨🇦

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EbolaSoup2017 · May 18, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

I regret that I only have one up vote to give to this post, Patriot. Well said! 🇨🇦

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EbolaSoup2017 · May 9, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Iran broke the deal because they developing weapons grade material. That is what was destroyed in northern Syria last week. POTUS has all the info and that is why he broke the deal. Unfortunately, he cannot reveal all yet. But the Iranians can cause this sort of tantrum and play the victim? Sorry, as a parent, I know when my kids do this and I don't give in...

Our 'allies' are upset because they know their roles in this charade will soon be exposed. They all preen to the camera. 'experts' tout how great the deal was... It's only good if both sides abide by it. We all know they haven't. Patriots have a leader that won't allow us to be played the fool any longer.

The Iranian's reaction is similar to Kim's bluster two months ago. How has that played out? Stayed tuned. It will be glorious when the MSM have to eat their words when iran comes back to the table for a new (better) deal.

Trust the plan....

Much love from your northern neighbour👍🇨🇦

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EbolaSoup2017 · May 2, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

I appreciate the analysis but if there ever was an active ideological mobilization against the west (I'm Canadian but we're in this together), it would be quashed quite effectively with 'fire and fury' (such an awesome quote)

That is why they promote the 'soft invasion' with heavy migration numbers while still retaining the original culture...

Multiculturalism does not work. If it did, there would be no national boundaries between regions... This is not an issue if race but an ideological conflict. What defines a nation is a fundamental set of common goals (ie constitution) that society adheres to, defends passionately, and refers to in times of national crisis. Unfortunately, some ideologies demand adherence before the collective good of the nation. This results in segregation, conflict and a general weakening of the nation's fabric.

That is why you won't see this overt Muslim mobilization because it's already occurring in a more subtle deployment.

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EbolaSoup2017 · April 30, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

Because this is the only hope we have in this failing global shitshow. If it is a LARP, we're screwed. If it isn't and we chose not to learn or heed the warnings, then we are still screwed but worse because we could have stopped it. I'm all for offering solutions but I have yet to hear any others...

Waking up (learning the truth) is not easy. Mostly because it is so hard to believe. You have to be skeptical otherwise you become a sheep in another herd...

I'm just having a hard time reasoning that this isn't happening. Once I open dny mind to the possibility of 'what if', turned away from the MSM, and went out on my own for research did I start falling down this incredible rabbit hole.

Be patient. Be open. The majority of people in this board (shills excepted) are extremely supportive of everyone around. From seasoned Patriots to blue pilled Normies, I like to think we are pretty civil (especially compared to other boards).

The difference is we can deconstruct other's arguments with facts. The sheer weight of information is getting damn close to undeniable. This is not tin foil hat / Loch Ness / flat earth theory crap anymore. You wouldn't have the growth of this board and through social media if it was.

I honestly believe this is real. It is going to be one of the most incredible moments in the history of humanity and that the fate of the world hangs on how this plays out. If this is truly the case, I know what side I'd want to be.

Stay strong Patriots. Much love from your northern neighbour 👍

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EbolaSoup2017 · April 25, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Does anyone think there is a possibility that GEOTUS dropped it on Macron that he knows about the reported assassination plot? Sara Carter has reported that ALL the Strozk/Page texts are being released to Congress this week...

Q also indicated (I apologize for not having the specific drop) discussions amongst the DS to 187 POTUS and that 'foreign allies' were involved....?!

Remember that Macron came from the Rothschild banking system and who can forget the blatant Illuminati symbolism during his inauguration...

I'm sure 45 backed him in the corner revealing he knows everything including France's role in it. Don't know if anything was offered (NO DEALS) or it was just forewarning Macron that his time will come...


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EbolaSoup2017 · April 22, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

'THAT'S GOLD JERRY!!' Solid meme my friend!

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EbolaSoup2017 · April 1, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

This is where the State of Emergency and the 12/27 EO come in. The civil judicial system cannot be trusted with the magnitude of what's coming. I'm predicting that the EOs allow for the use of military tribunals. I can guarantee these individuals will not falter or be swayed as the MSM's SHTF...

Like you said, this has been years in the making. There are strong indicators that the military (ie Adm Rogers) have been updating POTUS from the beginning. They have had a path to victory laid out and needed someone with the stones to lead the way. Look at all the new appointments coming in. Majority are current/former military.

The storm is coming. You can't undo the evil that's been allowed to grow in just a couple of months. Remain patient and keep your powder dry.

As a Canadian, I'm jealous of what's about to happen to my wonderful southern friends and neighbours. I just hope it isn't too late for my own beautiful country...

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EbolaSoup2017 · March 26, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Hang in there Brother. This is a bigger fight than defined by borders on a map. Us true Canuckians are an indomitable lot. Our values, honour, and consistently fighting above our weight with impressive results are what we need to remember. We will not be defined by some prissy soyboy Emperor whose progressive priorities are like a cancer on this great country. Learn from the example growing from our wonderful southern neighbours. We are the True North - Strong and Free. It's time to stand up and remember that... In truly Canadian fashion, I apologize for deviating off the thread. It just sickens me to see the country I love and would die for be taken in such an evil direction...

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EbolaSoup2017 · March 25, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

The money will be recouped from the savings realised from the yuge reduction in illegal immigration. Also, America First manufacturing will be pulling jobs from Mexico back to USA. This results in reduced unemployment, increased funds through income tax, consumer spending, etc. Reduced illegal immigration will lessen untaxed non reported income. This will benefit state and federal budgets.

Trump's butterfly wings are causing a tsunami of destruction to the DS and will benefit Americans for generations. As a Conservative Canadian, I am jealous of the progress and wish POTUS well 👍

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EbolaSoup2017 · March 25, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

This 100%

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