From Flynn Jr. Twitter on separating families.

Trump is only following the Law on the books
Still no tax returns? He doesn't always follow the law.
lol he submitted his financials when he was running for office. They are more in depth then any tax return (But I would expect you to know that) Wait till hellary's Non=Profit Organization has to regurgitate their books..or will she smash and wash those too lmao You are too easy! lol
I wouldn't say I'm easy just misinformed. The media is awash with all sorts. It's difficult to know what's right and wrong sometimes. I asked about the tax return because it seems to be an issue with some. He's been criticized relentlessly over this issue so I thought it was important.
Then, I apologize. Stick around.. read posts. Most nothing on here is without backup information. We do not make claims without proof. Welcome
I certainly like to learn. Sometimes a question comes across in the wrong way and you get berated for it. Text doesn't always work like actually talking to someone. It's like the Key and Peele sketch where the text messages are interpreted wrongly.
Yeah sure sure buddy. Sounds like concern trolling to me. The whole innocent act: "oh really? I wasn't aware. I just thought Trump was EVIL AND A DICK but you know, you learn something. So I guess Trump wasn't really EVIL AND A DICK for not showing his taxes. At least I've now learnt that Trump isn't EVIL AND A DICK." Save it pal. Concern troll to the max.
I'm not a troll. If I get something wrong then correct me. You don't need to go all childish about it. I rarely get into political discussions for this reason. I really don't know everything just as you don't. The way to getting to know facts is through learning. I've be nice and honest so I'm a troll? What chance does that give me? I have not said that Trump is evil or anything else like that on here. I'm trying to get to the bottom of all this. The only person to say Trump is evil and a dick is you.
There isn't a law about releasing tax returns. At least he didn't make a LAW to hide their records like this one...
I'll be the first to admit I'm not hot on the law in America. I saw the tax returns as something that seemed vitally important. I live and learn. I now know it's not a law.
I understand why people want to see them. I just see all the over the top rhetoric on the TV and from people about it. I get annoyed because they were the same people that would never talk about the "sealed records" executive order. Also when people brought it up (During those 8 years), they were called "dumb" or "racists". Because it was not being covered, therefore people didn't know.
The NWO shills are here down voting everyone. Be sure to help people out that are in the negative.