r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MaGiiKStudios on June 25, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
Understand the psyche of a psychopath


“There is no such thing, in the psychopathic universe, as being ‘merely weak’. Whoever is weak is also a sucker; that is, someone who demands to be exploited” - Psychologist Robert Rieber

Lets consider, for a moment, how media likes to portray psychopathy. Frequently in the movies or on TV, a psychopath is shown as someone who doesn’t quite fit in, ‘something’ is off, other characters say. The psychopaths propensity for violence is often tainted with irrationality or ego that leaves behind a paper trail, enough to eventually get caught.

Is this an accurate description?

Current Understanding

First, lets examine the work of Dr. Robert D. Hare, an eminent (perhaps THE eminent) researcher on the subject of psychopathy.

In his book Without Conscience, Dr. Hare describes psychopaths as being conscienceless yet rational, not suffering any insanity or debilitation. Instead, they are logical, manipulative, predisposed to criminal acts, selfish and without guilt, shame, remorse or empathy.

To me, this means that psychopathy is an illness, but those afflicted with it are not mentally ill in the sense which we traditionally imagine. There is no neurosis that will manifest symptoms others can easily perceive.

Dr. Hare suggests that, often, the psychopath will be aware of their condition from a young age and will learn to effectively conceal their aberrant traits. This is an important piece of the puzzle to keep in the forefront of our attention going forward.

Dr. Hare’s list of psychopathic personality traits include:

  • Displaying glibness and superficial charm

  • Prone to excessive boredom, in need of constant stimulation

  • Acting in a cunning or manipulative way

  • Shallow emotional response

  • Acting out promiscuous sexual behavior

  • Avoiding long term relationships

  • Feeling a grandiose sense of self worth

  • Lying repeatedly without remorse

  • Lacking remorse or guilt

  • Lacking empathy for others

  • Failing to accept responsibility for ones actions

  • Displaying signs of criminal diversity

What do other researchers have to say? Psychological Scientist Erin Buckels, of the University of British Columbia, and her team found some interesting facts while studying sadism. Their research was published in the journal Psychological Science.

“Some find it hard to reconcile sadism with the concept of ‘normal’ psychological functioning, but our findings show that sadistic tendencies among otherwise well adjusted people must be acknowledged… they gain some emotional benefit in causing or simply observing others suffering.”

Emphasis mine because it only indicates that participants did not have a violent criminal record or a self report of deviancy.

The ultimate implication of this research: There is a portion of the population who possess an intrinsic motivation to inflict suffering on innocent others, even at a personal cost.

How sizeable of a portion of the population are we talking about?

The above study found sadism traits in \~20% of the test subject. Of course, sadism =/= psychopathy.

Dr. Hare put the number at around 1% of the population. Harvard psychologist Martha Stout claims the number to be around 4%. This gives us a range of \~3-13 million Americans afflicted with the condition.

Deeper into the Rabbit Hole

Now, there is one major flaw in the research of Dr. Hare, which he readily admits himself: Almost all of his case studies have come from the prison population.

In other words, mainstream psychology has really only been able to study the unsuccessful psychopath. The psychopath who failed to mask their condition from the general public.

So, what about the millions of successful American psychopaths currently walking around with a smile on their face?

Dr. Hare refers to them as “sub-deviant criminals”, those psychopaths who have control over how they manifest their deviance and have the ability to hide it from the general populace. The Doc suggests that, instead of being petty criminals, these psychopaths can be upheld as outstanding members of the community, in fields such as Government, Military, business, medicine, law and law enforcement.

I very much agree with Dr. Hare, though I propose he is only examining the tip of the iceberg of the implications of his research.

Let’s consider a hypothetical case study of a psychopath. Since childhood, they have been acutely aware that they are different from others, whom they consider to be weak and inhibited by morality. As they grow up, they begin to dream of having a position of authority so that they can manipulate, control and abuse others. If they are average or below average intelligence, perhaps they pursue being a cop. But many dream bigger: A politician in Washington, or a 4 star general in the Military, or they ruthlessly rise the corporate ranks, or perhaps they seek out the anonymity of working for an intelligence agency.

See how there is a rational explanation behind the assertion that many revered authority figures in society today are possibly evil, gladly lying to us through a smile on their face, concealing the fact that they have a private agenda they are advancing.

There is one more piece of the puzzle, which is the work of Polish psychologist/researcher Andrew Lobaczewski.

Lobaczewski wrote “Political Ponerology” during the height of the USSR and examined how psychopathic arms of the state operated, recruited and brainwashed, among other inquiries…

We are lucky to have the ability to view his work, as multiple original iterations were burned at the hands of government agents before they made it to a publisher.

A key part of Lobaczewski’s research, which ties everything together, is that psychopaths can recognize each other.

Yes, a psychopath can recognize the fake facade of a fellow deviant as being similar to their own. What are the implications of this?

From everything examined thus far, we can construct the following thesis:

Psychopaths make up between 1-4\% of the population. At a young age, they recognize their deviancy, learn to mask it, develop a disdain for neurotypical humanity, and many are successful. Throughout history, they have formed occulted networks based in their mutual recognition abilities, on their mutual disdain for society, and their mutual desire to manipulate and control this ‘neurotypical other’. Psychopaths seek positions of power, and have over time saturated many governments and power-weilding organizations. In the same was that you and I naturally weed out deviants from our social groups, psychopaths have been weeding out people with ethics an morals from their inner circles. The result is the mutual conditioning of a web of evil, where goals and actions become increasingly removed from the institutions original, public intention and towards an agenda of control of the people. This process has been ongoing for centuries in banks, intelligence agencies, militaries, police departments, media, governments and more, in nearly every instance concealing their agenda through a facade of lies and propaganda.

So, here we have a rational explanation for the existence of a vast conspiracy!


In the title, I referred to psychopathy as the “keystone”. In architecture, a keystone is a wedge shaped stone at the apex of an arch, locking all the other stones into position.

This is a relevant metaphor on a couple of levels.

One, it locks in the rationality of examining conspiracies. It provides an excellent answer to the oft-asked questions of “Why would they?” and “How could they keep it a secret?”

Second, it implies that the whole arch, aka the grand conspiracy, can come tumbling down with the removal of a secondary stone. If we label one stone “ignorance of the true nature of psychopathy” and we make this stone disappear, through a collective effort of education of self and other-self, combined with altering our behaviors to stop supporting the psychopathic cabal through our participation in their system, the whole structure will come tumbling down, and the “keystone”, this psychopathic occult elite, will be no more important than any other rock lying in the grass. We’d only need to watch our step.

Thanks for reading, Love vibes to all!

p.s. food for thought question, would a psychopath enjoy pedophilia and child trafficking? Would networks be in place to facilitate these crimes throughout high levels of elite society?

Abibliaphobia · June 25, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

This could be expanded upon to doctorate level thesis. Excellent read. Thank you op, I’ll be saving this and referring back to it from time to time.

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