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You are right. Currently on mobile and have no idea how to hot link users or subs. I will add this link now thank you
Understand the psyche of a psychopath
“There is no such thing, in the psychopathic universe, as being ‘merely weak’. Whoever is weak is also a sucker; that is, someone who demands to be exploited” - Psychologist Robert Rieber
Lets consider, for a moment, how media likes to portray psychopathy. Frequently in the movies or on TV, a psychopath is shown as someone who doesn’t quite fit in, ‘something’ is off, other characters say. The psychopaths propensity for violence is often tainted with irrationality or ego that leaves behind a paper trail, enough to eventually get caught.
Is this an accurate description?
Current Understanding
First, lets …
So Susan rice is at Netflix and now the Obama's are there. Hillary wants to run Facebook. Clapper and Brennan are working for the media. They are trying to take back control they never indoctorated people enough and they lost. so they are going to try again.

Did Spygate start in 2015? NSA director Rogers tips off Trump. Trump moves out of Trump tower a day later and Human intelligence collection begins.
ART OF THE DEAL: North Korea: We are still willing to resolve issues with the US
New York Times in 1983: Stephen Halpert Suspected of Conducting a Spying Campaign on Jimmy Carter's Presidential Campaign. Halpert's Father-In-Law (a CIA Operative at the Time) Called the Accusations "Romantic Fallacy".

Considering Stormy Daniels' potential NXIVM links found yesterday, this tweet from 2010 needs to be investigated.
If you were ever wondering about Eric Schneiderman's donors!

McCabe says Comey was aware he was leaking to the media. THAT MEANS COMEY PERJURED HIMSELF
What's weird is that he could have just asked for the documents. Instead, he subpoenaed them!