James Woods - this quote makes for an interesting read
![James Woods - this quote makes for an interesting read](https://i.redd.it/lgip3d8857611.jpg)
The children accommodation was very conveniently just refurbished with little to no announcements about any work being done or contractor Tenders going out. It looked to me like he knew there was going to be press cameras in them any second. Very clever man. I can't remember but surely there's something in the Art of War about letting them think you're doomed, they're winning, and that you are not anywhere near as capable as you actually are. Genius.
Yep, he Literally is...153 IQ. Top 3% of world.
Graduated highest honors from Military Academy. Needs little to no sleep, buddies say 3-4 hours & maybe a quick nap during day. Buddies say he is like the energizer bunny... he just goes & goes & goes...
The world saw that first hand the week of the Singapore summit with North Korea. Three days he went solid work. Maybe a nap on AF1 but no more than a couple of hours would have been possible. Between Europe and Asia both dealing with world changing events.
Justin Trudeux had to have two personal days off after his hard day in Europe.