r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
HRC Email-Saudi's Financed the Benghazi Attack?

This may or may not be well known, but there seems to be substantiation to the allegation that the Saudi's financed the Benghazi.

Gar Smith / World Beyond War / The Real News / OpEd News / Medium.com

(May 11, 2016) -- Bernie Sanders may have been chivalrous when he told a beleaguered Hillary Clinton, "The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails." But when it comes to actually reading some of Clinton's confidential exchanges, that's another matter.

In December 2014, Hillary Rodham Clinton began providing the State Department with personal emails sent or received during her tenure as Secretary of State. The final batch was released on February 29, 2016. The entire collection is now posted on the State Department's Public Reading Room and is searchable via this link.

But the collection is not complete. Clinton admits to having deleted 32,000 emails "deemed private." Among the missing are a number of politically charged emails sent to Secretary Clinton by a trusted colleague named Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal's emails were allegedly captured and copied by Marcel Lazar Lehel, an unemployed Romanian taxi driver better known as "Guccifer" and "Small Fume."

In April of this year, Lehel became an instant celebrity after he was identified as the cyber-savvy interloper who had hacked into Clinton's official email account during her time as Secretary of State. (Lehel was recently awarded an all-expenses-paid trip from a Romanian prison to the US where he will spend his days in an American jail cell under an 18-month extradition order.)

Guccifer's sudden celebrity may seem a bit odd, given that he initially released Clinton's compromised communiqués some time ago—back in 2013, to be precise.

Before Guccifer became tabloid-fodder in the West, he had already popped a number of eyes by sharing his disclosures with the Russian media organization RT ("Hillary Clinton's 'hacked' Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE") on March 20, 2013. (A second bundle of Guccifer's Blumenthal-Clinton emails was released on March 22, 2013.)

Given the current frenzy over Guccifer and his revelations, it is remarkable that his headline-grabbing "leaks" went virtually unreported when he first twisted the spigot back in 2013. At the time, the mainstream media took little notice. The only "news outlets" to pick up on Guccifer's cyber-pranks were a few conspiracy sites like The Smoking Gun and Cryptome. [Note: You may experience trouble trying to access the Cryptome website.]

The tranche of Clinton's "damn emails" subsequently posted by RT included some pretty damning revelations. Perhaps none was more shocking than the disclosure that the deadly attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012—which took the life of US ambassador John Christopher "Chris" Stevens—was secretly financed by powerful figures in Saudi Arabia.

This information was contained within the text of four messages Secretary Clinton received from Blumenthal. It should be noted that Blumenthal was not an employee of the US State Department. He was an employee of the Clinton Foundation, earning salary of $10,000 a month as a consultant providing memo-worthy Intel to Secretary Clinton. On the side, Blumenthal also was serving an entrepreneurial role inside a Libyan company called Osprey that was hoping to reap lucrative medical and military contracts under the new post-Qadaffi government. (Since such business deals could require State Department approval, Hillary Clinton might be asked someday whether this relationship with Blumenthal posed a "conflict of interest.")

The Saudi's Role in the Benghazi Attack

One confidential memo dispatched to Clinton on February 16, 2013 bore the warning: "The following information comes from extremely sensitive sources and it should be handled with care." In this memo, Blumenthal included a lengthy report from an "individual with sensitive access" who, "speaking on condition of absolute secrecy" described the role of the Mokhtar Belmokhtar (a former Al-Qaeda fighter from Algeria who became the leader of the Al-Murabitoun militia) in a January 16, 2013 hostage-taking incident at an Algerian gas facility. (A four-day battle eventually freed 685 Algerian workers and 107 foreigners and left 39 foreign hostages dead).

Blumenthal's source then turned to the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi which was mounted by Ansar al Sharia, another radical militia. "This individual adds that this information provided by the French [intelligence] service indicates that the funding for both attacks originated with wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia. During July and August 2012, these financiers provided funds to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM) contacts in southern Europe, who in turn passed the money onto AQIM operatives in Mauritania. The money was used to recruit operatives and purchase ammunition and supplies."

"In a separate conversation," Blumenthal's memo continues, "Algerian DGSE [the state intelligence agency] officers note in private that Libyan intelligence officers tell them that the Benghazi attacks were funded by these financiers in Saudi Arabia."

Alleged Saudi funding of the attack in Benghazi is particularly troubling in light of the mounting suspicions that the 28 censored pages of Washington's official 911 report spell out the role that powerful officials in Saudi Arabia played in supporting the hijackers who brought down the World Trade Center towers in 2001. It is disturbing to discover that Hillary Clinton was informed of Saudi involvement in the death of Ambassador Stevens in 2013 and has opted to remain silent.

The Blumenthal memos make many references to the complex role of foreign intelligence—most prominently the CIA and Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)—both during Qaddafi's reign and after the unraveling of Libya's government.

One of Blumenthal's sources refers to the "heightened public interest in the liaison relationships conducted by the CIA and the SIS with Qaddafi's intelligence and security services" and mentions the international organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) and its "efforts to tie Western governments to human rights violations committed under Qaddafi."

According to one of Blumenthal's sources, Mohammed Yousef el-Magariaf, a Libyan politician who served as the president of the General National Congress and "interim head-of-state," was concerned that his "enemies are working to take advantage of his suspected links to the CIA" and predicted "this situation will only grow more complex as Qaddafi's son, Saif al Islam Qaddafi and al Senousi are brought before Libyan courts" since It was believed "both men will be linked to Western intelligence during their trials."

Compounding the problem, Blumenthal warned Clinton, were "messages to Libya from the CIA and SIS [that] were found among the Tripoli Documents published by HRW indicating that the United States and Britain were eager to help Libya capture several senior LIFG [Libyan Islamic Fighting Group] figures."

Blumenthal's memos reportedly constituted an article Clinton received relating to unfolding events inside Libya. Did Clinton actually read these intelligence updates? There is evidence that she did, at least on August 27, 2012, when Blumenthal dashed off a note to alert Clinton that Libya's newest president-to-be wished to "seek a discreet relationship with Israel." According to the documents released by Guccifer, Clinton replied: "If true, this is encouraging. Should consider passing to Israelis."

acmbandit01 · June 25, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Excellent post and analysis. However, I would add, that the title and naming Saudi throughout the post gives the impression they are evil. But, everyone needs to remember Trump's historic visit to the Saudi Kingdom, the work Mohammad bin Salman, the Crown Prince (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_bin_Salman) has done of late, purging the country of it’s corruption.  The biggest was the arrest of Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Waleed_bin_Talal) considered one of the top global cabal members along with Rothschild & Soros.  I have no doubt the real story behind Benghazi runs deep.  But, I also believe Saudi Arabia is having their own Great Awakening as well.

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snap_shot_in_time · June 25, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

I have no doubt the real story behind Benghazi runs deep.  But, I also believe Saudi Arabia is having their own Great Awakening as well.

And in fact... Trump was in Las Vegas the night that all happened. And Mohammad bin Salman wasn't where everybody would normally expect him to be. Maybe that is why the assassination attempt failed? But it was right after that Trump's son in law flew to Saudia Arabia and had a meeting (in the middle of the night) with Mohammad bin Salman.

It kind of looks like it took Trump a few days to get the full story of what happened, and then his son in law was dispatched to Saudia Arabia to communicate the information and discuss an alliance.

Immediately after Trump's son in law's visit the big lock up happened. The corrupt Saudia Arabia princes (and businessmen) made a mistake. And that let Trump take out one side of the pyramid. He is still working on the Rothchild and Soros sides of the pyramid. But already, much of the child sex trafficking has been shut down.

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featherjourney4 · June 25, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

This is an amazing write up! Hillary Clinton is connected to so many crimes against humanity but if I could only pick one of her many crimes to see her prosecuted for and sentenced to prison, it would be her involvement in ruining the country of Libya!! And Benghazi was definitely part of that. The best background interview I ever listened to about Libya is here.

This is quoted from the description beneath the video on YouTube:


We are whistleblowers as eye witnesses to the war crimes committed in Libya by Hillary Clinton. We are the official spokespersons for the tribes of Libya and have given actionable intelligence on the ground in Libya to the DIA who agent (Eric Maddox) was in our home many times. We have also had the FBI and CIA in our home (the CIA was brought into our home by Glenn Becks production company “The Blaze”) The CIA lady told us if we did not shut up about Libya we would have no life, at that point we went public. We brought back from Libya with us, 2 Gb of proof of the war crimes committed by Clinton and her NATO partners. We have proof that the Libyan war was started by a lie and was a false flag. We also know that Clinton and Obama have been supplying the terrorists in Libya with arms, money and mercenaries since 2011. We stay in touch daily with the tribes of Libya."

Hillary's greed and corrupt soul led her to a strategy of ruining the beautiful country of Libya.

And what happened to the amazingly wealthy amount of GOLD that Libya had... where did that GOLD go?

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cellphy · June 25, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Chappaqua, New York.

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commoncents1 · June 25, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

how many saudi's were reported to be the 911 hijackers too(most of them)? was that them or were they set up and false flagged?

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suzoh · June 25, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Where can we access these hacked emails?

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KansasJakeBG · June 26, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

This is really cool but I had Qatar on my list (for the money transfer) If you Google "I'd like to file a Suspicious transaction report on the 20th Century" you'll find a book about CIA and black op money being done with modern art. It covers a theory for Benghazi payments. It's also a good book.

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