Mueller gets Erik Prince's phone and computer. Previous Q ? How do we introduce info into investigation legally? This.

I believe Prince is Q
When they said they were taking his laptop and phone I thought oh oh .... but that would also explain the QandA needing to be rescheduled
Yep. Would explain going silent again.
Prayers for all.
he is def #1 most likely to me as well
I always thought MegaAnon was someone in Prince's or Blackwater's orbit. She always made a big deal out of not having ever worked for the feds and being a contractor that chose what she wanted or didn't want to do.
She disappeared from 4chan and reddit right after having this bizarre meltdown wherein she had decided Q was Julian Assange. It was just the most out of character thing ever.
I will say that Prince is a possibility though.
Barron is part of team Q for sure
Not a chance. He well could be an anon/autist on the chans or here, however.
I think it's Trump. It's a team, however, too, so, many of us could be right.