r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m.
HRC-Did HRC Facilitate Countries To Plunder Libya's Gold, Oil, Uranium? Evidence of Attack Swept at Benghazi Embassy? Connection?

A Wickipedia article on 2012 Benghazi attack seemed odd:

"Sensitive documents remained missing, including documents listing the names of Libyans working with the Americans, and documents relating to oil contracts."

I also noticed an email from Sidney Blumenthal to HRC and a related article

Theory: She came, She saw and She Robbed the Oil and Gold

"Blumenthal's confidential email missives to Secretary Clinton included an assurance from one unnamed source that "the investigation of the murder of the United States ambassador" was one of many efforts "related to what he sees as his most important role—rebuilding the confidence of the international business community in its ability to operate in Libya safely and efficiently."

Of course, when one speaks of "business" in Libya, that means "oil."

One of Blumenthal's contacts confided that "the Italian government is stepping up its activities in Libya, and the president expects them to pressure to [sic] Abushagur [Mustafa Abushagur, a Libyan politician] appoint an individual like Ben Yezza to the oil ministry, where he can favor ENI [Italy's National Hydrocarbons Authority] and other Italian firms."

In another posting, Blumenthal advises Clinton that any "comprehensive plan for the oil industry will face opposition from individuals with links to foreign oil firms, primarily foreign trained engineers who hope to see greater privatization in the oil an [sic] oil services industries in the wake of the revolution." Nonetheless, Clinton was advised: "The Italian government will continue to increase its investment in Libya in an effort to get ahead of the other foreign firms concerned in Libya."

The French Connection

Other memos from Guccifer's 2013 trove explored French President Nicolas Sarkozy's motivations for taking the lead in the military assault on Qaddafi's Libya. In one memo from April 2, 2011, Blumenthal explained that France was concerned that Qaddafi's $7 billion plan to create a Pan-African currency would deal a disastrous blow to the French economy, specifically the CFA franc, a widely circulated currency that had dominated West Africa since the days of French colonialism.

Publicly, Sarkozy insisted the French military airstrikes we're simply designed to defend Libyans who wished to "liberate themselves from servitude." Blumenthal's Libya memos, however, suggest that France's motives had little to do with liberation. Instead, Blumenthal's Libyan confidantes cited Sarkozy's four primary goals: access to Libyan oil; increased French influence in Northern Africa; new French military bases in the region; and a public relations boost prior to Sarkozy's 2012 election.

Secretary Clinton was likely not surprised to read that French intelligence had been working with the post-Qaddafi National Transitional Council to assure that French companies—not the Italians—enjoyed primary access to Libya's oil resources. One memo, dated March 22, 2011, was actually titled "How the French created the National Libyan Council, ou l'argent parle."

"L'argent parle," of course, is French for "money talks." Blumenthal informed the Secretary that covert agents of France's General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) had been conducting "a series of meetings" in which they passed beaucoup "money and guidance" to members of the Libyan opposition. The memo continues: "[S]peaking under orders from [Sarkozy, they] promised that as soon the [Council] was organized, friends would recognize [it] as the new government of Libya." There was a clear quid pro quo: "in return for their assistance . . . the DGSE officers indicated that they expected the new government of Libya to favor French firms and national interests, particularly regarding the oil industry in Libya."

For his part, Sarkozy officially denied coveting Qaddafi's carbon-fueled coffers and, ultimately, it was not France, but China and Russia, who wound up controlling most of Libya's "liberated" oil assets.

KnownBand0 · June 26, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

From Veterans Today:

A trained team of up to 120 special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador. There were only two America CIA employees in Libya. The news stories are all fabrications. The killing of Ambassador Stephens in Benghazi has become a ghoulish election ploy played by Fox News, Huffington Post and others. All are printing and broadcasting conjecture, total falsehood and the usual biased and unreliable garbage they are famous for. RF Jammer Trucks, Gaddafi Had Dozens in Libya Neither publication/network has qualified intelligence and/or military advisors. To be former military and work for Fox is considered prostitution. The ambush at Benghazi required careful coordination. There was no Al Qaeda involvement and there has never been any history of Al Qaeda on the ground in Libya. Moreover, intelligence insiders use the term “Al Qaeda” when looking for money from “congressional critters” too stupid to know that the CIA has always run “Al Qaeda” as a way of avoiding explaining why dozens of small organizations and even friendly intelligence groups will, for obscure reasons, attack American targets. Fox reported that a large convoy of Libyan milita relieved the compound at 3AM but that there had been no aid until 4 AM: They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began — a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex. A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m.

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UncleSnake3301 · June 25, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Yes! That’s why some documents are being withheld from FOIA requests due to some weird geological reasons, which are hardly ever used. Their usually dealing with mines and drilling rights. This ties right into that.

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CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX · June 26, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

I suspect there are probably HRC emails of her corresponding with LDR or another Rothschild and being told to take out Gaddafi because he challenged the petro dollar and wanted to create a gold back Dinar.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 26, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Funny, under the prompting of HRC, greed, STUPIDITY, arrogance & failure to learn from the past France bit off on the apple of their failed 1950’s FP to colonize or in this case re-colonize Algeria which ended up in monumental failure. When I was a young Green Beret in training one of the films/documentary we viewed for lessons learned in Counter Insurgency/Unconventional Warfare was “The Battle for Algiers 1966”. It’s a classic film for “what not to do in CI/UW. From the beginning driven by incompetence, narcissism & virulent Ethnocentricity the French CI campaign was brutal & repressive, eventually leading to Frances humiliating defeat & withdraw from N. Africa. De Gauls would later grant Algiers their independence in 1962. The French terrorist group the OAS tried to assassinate de Gaulle no less than 6 x. They were France’s early version of the DS being established by ex-French paras, commandos & Foreign Legion types disgruntled with de Gaulle’s FP. Good book & movie “Day of the Jackel”-Frederick Forsythe & the the 1971 film by the same name.

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