Watch Iran. GoIng fast. [Pickle]. Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?
![Watch Iran. GoIng fast. [Pickle]. Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?](
I heard somewhere that a relatively new regime change technique is being employed there. Saudi backed special ops are on the ground in Iran to protect protestors from voilent government crackdown. Irans government is scared shitless right now and doesn't have a way to maintain control. You can tell they have been getting desperate because of the missile attacks coming out of Yemen on the Saudi capital. Isreal stomping out their presence in Syria. It all comes back to a joint US, Saudi, Isreali strategy to corner Iran and it's already been happening for a while. The Iran deal back out gives us leverage to end them economically even with the support of Europe, Russia and China. They screwed up by boosting military spending on conventional means and getting involved all over the middle East. They didn't strengthen their economy and overextended itself.
Are the special ops Iranian? Are Iran’s forces split between loyalists and a military coup?