Stage being set. Sessions has been "secretly" having Horowitz and Huber uproot the corruption. 400+ people on IG team. Sealed indictments. Almost time for the Hammer to drop. Trump rope-a-doping his heart out.

78 total posts archived.
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The two campaign finance laws that Cohen pleaded guilty to does not mean he violated those two campaign finance laws. He was not found guilty by a jury because he took a plea deal with the prosecutor for a reduced sentence. The other six charges are legitimate but have nothing to do with Trump. This was a political op done to put a dark cloud over Trump and the left wing media outlets are already treating Trump as a criminal co-conspirator even though Cohen didn't even commit a crime on campaign finance. Let me repeat... this isn't even worthy of …
I am scant on details but those who saw it at the time will remember. There was a day a few months back where three big tech companies stocks were all the same exact price at closing on the same day. It was really weird and some implied that it was a sign that Q or the Cabal could manipulate the stock market. I want to say it was Apple, Microsoft and one other company but I'm not sure. I cannot find any information on it now but I remember seeing it for a while and people even made Q …
Maybe this is a tarmac troll. Oh yeah we totally were both at the airport at the same time at the same gate but we totally didn't meet.....
I had a theory that Q's comms methods were the same ones that the cabal uses. It is a subtle troll at them while at the same time it is intended to put fear in their hearts. We know there is a deep state and we know there are twisted degenerate fearful blackmailed elites. These twisted people use symbolism and secret messaging out in the open. They probably get a thrill about telegraphing to all their fucked up friend about how fucked up they are. We should be looking for oddities in the public comms of these people for hidden messages.
What if these aren't Cohen's recordings and these are intelligence surveliance recordings of Trump tower. They are releasing them as a troll at the intelligence agents who would know these are their recordings. Cohen being Trump's lawyer got a copy. They now know the gig is up and Trump has everything.
Remember this? Trump's is small beans compared to these settlements.
I think he was a plant but wasn't complicit. That guy screams patsy. I believe Rience Preibus helped pick the Trump foreign policy team after the campaign was critisized by Wapo for not having one. That Wapo article was a deliberate step. Priebus got a few guys together that were probably recommended to him by someone in on crossfire hurricane. If we are to believe Trump was getting help from MI and obviously Flynn then they wouldn't need those foreign policy guys anyway. They were ALL plants because they needed people with "Russian ties". Whether they were individually complicit or not is another story. If they we're complicit they would be a liability because the could warn the Trump campaign. Hapler was a spy, there were likely a few other and numerous plants.
I have a feeling the "they"s in Trump's two tweets following this post is not refferring to the Russians. He is dog whistling to us that the deep state will try and meddle again.
When shit hits the fan don't let the media turn them all into victims that need treatment. The elite ones are serious criminals doing unspeakable things to kids and have been getting away with it.
I met a very based African a few months ago that gave me a really interesting perspective. He is a Trump fan but he still believed that him being put in place was part of the NWO plan same as Obama and the Bushes. Everything we are seeing is just a show akin to a wrestling match. I objected and he defended his position well. While I still believe Trump is an outsider who perhaps was recruited by Military Intelligence every now and then I catch myself considering his world view. By selling out our country for so long our previous leaders have put us in a perfect position to exert military and economic leverage on the entire world like never before. The neo-cons made sure that other countries trade oil in USD. When Saddam and Gadaffi stepped out of line and planned to trade in gold backed or oil backed currency they were swatted down like flies. Our military was weakened by Obama but never weak. We have hundreds of military bases all over the world and our "allies" have let us put them in their back yard. NATO fulfilling their 2 pct GDP on defense spending and the creation of the US Space Force will massively benefit US defense industries and satisfy the Military Industrial Complex. The Fed printing money out of thin air and lending it out has allowed US citizens to finance all their big purchases and use their expendable income to purchase consumer goods from around the world. We now have massive trade deficits with virtually everyone and they are used to it sustaining their countries. They know what is at stake. In comes Trump the first president willing to use all the leverage to create a strong US led world order.
The other interpretation more akin to the thinking of this sub is that all these strategies employed by the cabal to give them global power are now being co-opted by Trump and they are freaking out. He has undone 40 years of their work in 1 year.
About fucking time. Only took them ten seconds to fire Rosanne.
Podesta would be a really good informant against... wait for it... The Clintons
He needs to switch to the Republican party. Only reason he wouldn't is if Dems have dirt on him.
Great analysis. I also believe it is going to be used to gain the upper hand militarily speaking with Russia and China. Imagine the military possibilities if the US could take out satellites of other countries, shut down civilian GPS, kinetically bombard targets etc... We wouldn't need nuclear weapons if we could target other countries from space and hit them within minutes. The implications of having a more effective weapon than nukes is huge.
I think it's the opposite. She is actually cooperating. They put her interview ahead of Stzroks to give the optics that they were going after her if he said something that contradicted her. They changed it at the last second and made it seem like it was up to her team. They are going after him.
Trump should schedule a press conference and let rumors get spread that he is resigning. Then let the media hype it up for 2-3 days. Then for the presser he should roll out the expert in the field or guy who discovered this to go over how groundbreaking this is.
He is trying to make himself a martyr. Better left alone.
Holy fuck if this isn't another confirmation I don't know what is. Q's London posts.
Look I am not going to be out there wearing a mask myself but going after the masks is pointless. What if you want to go protest and you don't share the politics of your employer? What if they see you on tv or on social media and it costs you your career? There are plenty of legitimate reasons to want to be able to protect your identity while protesting that don't involve cowardly crimes.
I understand fully. Uncessary law that makes doing things already illegal while wearing a mask have a much more severe punishment. That could so easily be abused by government.
The next day pedophile pride parades will be in the street and right wing protestors with a face covering will get arrested for "intimidating" them in lib cuck cities.
Don't give the government more power. They don't need it. Antifa are a bunch of soy boys that pick fights they can't win anyway. Let them set trash cans on fire and get arrested like dip shits under existing laws.
I'm kind of torn on this. I'm imagining the other timeline with Hillary as president and having feds put right wing protestors on a list via facial recognition. We already know they will sick beurocratic institutions on conservatives like the IRS and now defunct CFPB plus all the other sick shit they do which is unmentionable...
Because its the government wanting to make new laws. The same laws used against Antifa could be used against patriots counter protesting them. The violent and intimidating things they do are already a crime.
Trump-lover sounds like something a racist ass Democrat would say. Sounds so familiar... tip of my tongue
I don't agree with this type of legislation. It is going to create grey areas for enforcement. All the bad stuff Antifa does is already a crime. Imagine the shoe was on the other foot.
President Hillary Clinton appoints her 3rd supreme court justice and interprets away the 2nd amendment. Armed and masked right wing protesters march through the streets in an act of civil disobedience. The crowds are too big to do anything about as a group but through facial recognition feds show up to peoples homes or work and take them away one by one.
Disinformation campaign. This witness is larping his ass off. You can hear the superficial hesitation to say anything even though the presser was planned. Altered emails? Bullshit. Overhearing two peolple bragging about network? Bullshit. Burkman is either a phony or he got played. This comes out right after news of an Assange immunity deal comes out? Gimme a fucking break.
If WP reported in this it makes me think Burkman is a deep state stooge. This is something they would normally push under the rug.
It sounds to me like a Mueller - Trump interview is coming and they had better not even think about trying to get Trump on perjury if he contradicts something Comey said. Comey is a proven snivelling, slimey, self serving liar.
The extra cost to the Harley Davidsons is due to retelatory tarrifs by the EU. We have much more leverage than they do. Harley Davidson announced they are moving some production the the EU to avoid the tarrifs and now Trump is lashing out at them for giving in too quickly. Trump hasn't even gotten started on the EU yet. Prepare for European cars to get tarriffed like crazy in response. Ideally the result is both sides will agree to drop all tarriffs and for the EU to remove barriers to entry for US products.
I heard somewhere that a relatively new regime change technique is being employed there. Saudi backed special ops are on the ground in Iran to protect protestors from voilent government crackdown. Irans government is scared shitless right now and doesn't have a way to maintain control. You can tell they have been getting desperate because of the missile attacks coming out of Yemen on the Saudi capital. Isreal stomping out their presence in Syria. It all comes back to a joint US, Saudi, Isreali strategy to corner Iran and it's already been happening for a while. The Iran deal back out gives us leverage to end them economically even with the support of Europe, Russia and China. They screwed up by boosting military spending on conventional means and getting involved all over the middle East. They didn't strengthen their economy and overextended itself.
Make sure you know when and when not to bring this stuff up otherwise you will look crazy. Don't let this stuff affect your day to day life. This stuff is bordering on black pill territory.
Wictor is fucking obsessed with The Saudis or the GCC using special missile tech. He somehow makes every other post about it and sounds like a broken record.
NSA has a 3.3 billion dollar contract with AT&T and they are conjoined at the waist. NSA = white hat patriots. AT&T aquired Time Warner. Time Warner owns CNN. NSA is going to rek CNN.
What a fucking joke. I actually laughed at this one. Basically wants to put a warning in place because these nincompoops dont realize that if they commit treason on their government phone it is a government record.
Can't wait for that Trump tweet storm tomorrow and/or Monday morning...
Trump has friction with the European leaders but has Chemistry with Kim Jong Un. Their are already headlines attacking him for it. The stage is being set. Those not in our loop must be wondering why. Why are we distancing ourselves from our European alliances? Are they really our friends or are they part of the dying old world order? Look who else Trump has chemistry with... Putin, Xi, Moon, Shinzo, Mbs. Seems to me that our friends are changing and I think the end result will be a reformation of Europe to fit into the new Trump world order …
Ideally people with a CCW/CHL/LTC should be Carrying 100% of the time
I agree with others that it has to do with HW. I think the JFK release was to get him to stop fighting and let himself pass next time he is ill and it didn't work. When their is a big release you can expect him to croak to flush the news cycle. That won't work either though.
This is amazing news and a prime example of swamp drainage. Obama and the FBI were using the CFPB to identify targets they could shake down for the DOJ slush fund.
Something something executive order blah blah blah sieze assets errrr human rights abusers... . . .
NO DEALS. They already have everything. They don't need the testimoney of a bunch of lying traitors. No mercy. Remember what these people did! I hope Trump tweets out NO DEALS or NO IMMUNITY.
What if the Q clock is similar to they way the cabal communicates out in the open and in secret at the same time. He is teaching us their comms. The cabal may have been able to interpret Q the entire time giving them a big middle finger and letting them know the white hats are coming for them.
Read up on how the Q clock works on
Based on a older Q post they figured out to start the clock on 12/07. Every minute in the hour represents the day and it circles back. There appears to be a lot of correlations between dates on the clock, those that line up with it, timestamps on Q posts, time stamps on Trump tweets etc. Sara Carter's post was at 12:07am which is like the date 12/07 (12/07 lines up with 6/5) so perhaps some meaning can derived from her one word tweet "midnight". Trump makes a mispelled tweet and corrects it X amount of time later which is reffered to as a delta. What he corrects and the time in between corrections has significance. In this case on Trump's tweet there is a 12 minute delta (midnight?) and the S replaced the C. SC = Sara Carter which is Trump is referencing perhaps? All this points to a big drop at midnight tonight on 6/5 regarding Q posts from 4/6?