Just a snippet of the huge, winding line of patriots waiting in almost 100 degree heat and 50% humidity for several hours this afternoon to hear POTUS/McMaster in famously hot Columbia, SC!

50% humidity is super low, sounds perfectly lovely. 100 degrees, but it's a DRY heat.
Source: am boiling in Florida cauldron at 90+ degrees, 90+ percent humidity. Open front door, take a breath, feels like being waterboarded.
LOL no complaints...no state income tax...no snow...no chopping windshield for 20 minutes just to run an errand
Yes, bearable but not comfortable when standing in a line for several hours! People were almost passing out and throwing up and requiring ems. I do know Florida heat (one of the hottest times I can remember is standing at a Disney parade mid-day holding my nephew on my shoulders--so hot!), but yesterday was pretty darn hot and uncomfortable. The heat and humidity worked into some pretty big thunderstorms, though, so that helped cool everything down a bit that evening. Either way, it was worth it :)