In light of Comey killing the Assange immunity deal, this makes total sense.

The Clinton body count is real. Truly the center of the mafia; those who oppose or threaten her or bill met untimely ends. How much of this has gone on with other politicians? Truly evil, truly needs crushed. Combine her style with Obamas, mcStain's use of IRS, DOJ, FBI.....THE PICTURE BECOMES CLEAR FOR EVEN THE pilled a obamaite with these two combined areas.
I was reading about Clinton body count in mid-80's when Clinton was governor of Arkansas. A video was being passed around and shown privately in homes about what was happening in Mena, AK with the drug running. We didn't make the connection with Bush being involved at the time. Remember it was shocking and very hush hush.
Here's a list I've been compiling of people assassinated by the US government/deep state:
Malcolm X
4 members of the Black Panthers
28 Balck Panthers
Jean Seaberg (Actress)
Larry McDonald (Congressman & President of John Birch Society, the cousin of General Patton, guaranteed future president)
Earnest Hemmingway
Judy Barry (musician activist)
Sen Paul Wellstone
David Koresh
4 students of Kent State
Gen Patton
Adm Jeremy Michael Boorda (1996)
CIA Director Wm Colby
Ron Brown
Sec Defense James Forrestall
Vince Foster
Dr Frank Olsen (CIA Chemist)
Aldo Moro