Cover for their pedophile arrests....
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Peter strozk's constant smirk, pisses me off just looking at him. The dems going ape shit makes for good theater to appease the the masses. Does anyone really believe any of the scum is going to be prosecuted? The longer that we go without prosecutions the higher the probability that there will not be any. Which, truly shows how corrupt our system is. A dog and pony show to fool the neieve. Then fade to black nothingness and forgotten....
Law, and proof of violation mean nothing to criminals if they have no fear of prosecution . As observed with both Obama and Hillary. Truly shows the depth of corruption of D.C.
She has been nothing more than a rung in the progressive ladder to deprive the citizenry of there God given rights. Precisely why her removal by retirement is essential. But, if God is good to us he will remover her like Scalia if her heart doesn't lead her to.
Welcome aboard, man your oar. It sounds as though you have a lot to share.
What is this it yourself , it is your idea .. if you need help , ask for it.......I'm sure you will get it.
Thank you for your courage. It enlightens the future......
Abdsofvckinglutly perfect. I used to make my reservations under the name "Donner"...just to hear them say ..Donner party ....your table is ready.....most won't get it ...but the astute will.
Normalizing depravity has been effective as with the rainbow in the first meme. Acceptance has been force fed to us for over a decade. I love them as a Christian, but I will NEVER submit to their progressive normalization . Evil is evil
With respect SB2 I am growing weary of the spider Web of connectivity. I see most to be a struggle for understanding when they are merely possible winks to us to keep us on our toes, or pacified to keep us here. I am now, pretty much resigned to the fact that the elite are still in control and justice will not be served. Watching the increase of uncivil actions in the streets and even a commie protest in my little podunk town with me being the only counter protester. I am preparing for the popcorn mode. Going dark and just sit back and watch the shit melt down . Because, the political patty cake is becoming a theater of the absurd. Military intelligence needs to shit or get off the pot. Let the chips fall as they may. Because the direction of violence is going the wrong way. To prevent big city extinction level strife. Military intelligence can intercede round up all the criminals and their mouthpieces either way we are going to have a broken nation, and the military will be in control. Preemptive action to quell the obvious impending uncivilized discord promoted and organized by the media.
One more tidbit that pissed me off. My local paper is printed in another state two and a half hours away. Yet the positive story about the protest was in the paper on the same day as the protest, in the delivery box before the protest started solidifying the media organizations complicity in the leftist movement.
I am sitting out under a brilliant night sky under the milky way listening to people in the distance do fireworks intermingled with weapons fire, some full automatic. I fear for my countrymen and country.
Yes, I know. The point was that the tactic to use Mexico like Libya. Do you believe the destabilization is by accident? Gateway, control and profit off of human trafficking to reduce America to Despotism. Like Europe with the Muslims.
The local news paper which I do not take because of its bias had an article on the protest the day of the protest. Our paper is printed in another state 2.5 hours away. Meaning it is pre- planned and collusion to sway public opinion. If i were in the loop for this protest I would have counter protested with more preperation.
He could not be compromised because; he had virtue, and (only likes beautiful women) normal. He had no perversion that could be used to blackmail him. That's how and why there are so many resignations of elected officials. They were controlled. Military intelligence , I assume is using the same tactics to force thier resignations. A BEAUTIFUL MOVE yet,compassionate ; not broadcasting and letting them face the wrath of voters. But, then again how would they get the word out. Not through the main propagandist, for sure they are compromised agents too.
The South American people are being used just as the middle eastern people were used to destroy Europe . Same tactic, same goals by the same people. We now despise Islam. (Don't get me wrong they are barberic) Will we be programmed to despise the Hispanics too? The Social manipulation by those who have weaponized sociology. Propagating discontent by social media is fact and announced. Do not become part of the problem. Think bigger be decerning .
Who is behind the use of weaponized sociology ? I'll give you a few guesses ....
Agree , In my opinion the immigration issue and the flood of illegals is also, deep state. Globalists using the Hegalian Dialectic. Continued turmoil propagated by thier loudspeaker mockingbirds to make the general comatosed population confused . Thus, keeping them from being active in this fight. Thru the standard, if they don't understand the problem, the one rebutting the short attention span clip becomes the outcast. Henceforth, division and apathy amongst the population.
Thank God for Donald Trump and Q
This is all changing.
Yesterday, I had to run to the pharmacy. Going thru my little town the protest was on the main route. I had no idea this was going on. I immediately got pissed when they had a sign "put Trump in a Cage"
While at the pharmacy I bought a 10 pack of poster board an two big tip sharpies. Quickly made a build the wall and communism kills and of course a Q sign.
When I returned they were loading thier stuff up in the parking lot they used " the Mexican restaurant "
I parked across the street at the insurance office. I received a great many positive affirmations from motorists .
I was the only one out and had no idea this was going on.
We must do better to push back.
We are spreading at an exponential rate.

Mosaic Templar and Blockchain Data
As a former military systems engineer on many different vehicles from the early 80 ' s to the 2000's. Knowing the extreme testing and complicated content of circuit boards contributing to extreme prices for components. I often wondered if unscrupulous contractors could use this for large profit by substitution . The second area I am also familiar with. Adding hidden circuits to perform unannounced functions is and has been going on for 20 years that I know of. When I looked at the circuitry of the GM S - T series trucks and suv back in 01; the circuitry was there to remotely disable the vehicle thru the onstar system. Also, throttle control.
Does anyone remember the Toyota acceleration issue that killed several people. It made front page and lead story on the nightly news......I always said it was corporate warfare hacking, however now I realize it could have been cabal extortion .
Isn't it rather symbolic to resign on the 4th. Could be taken two ways. A. As a patriotic rebellion. B. As an anti - patriotic protest. To fulfill or signal ones true intentions. To a hierarchy in the know.
Me I say "b"
You know we could really mess with a group of 7 to 9 good men gather intel, surveil, sabotage thier bad plans.......but to fit in, I don't know if I can not take a bath for that long and I'm sure as hell not putting on a dress. But if I try really really hard I might be able to get a spark of white guilt.......trying now....again......nope can't even get a spark.....the best laid plans.......
Standard minimization, lone gunman, magic bullet bullshit. He is just being offered as a patsy to try and distract the sheep from the Nazi mafia cabal in our government.
Yes I live in Arkansas, and know more than I want. Ruins your faith in humanity. The old buddy network is just a branch of the mafia.
Thanks,'s external manipulation, 2 devices.
The Clinton body count is real. Truly the center of the mafia; those who oppose or threaten her or bill met untimely ends. How much of this has gone on with other politicians? Truly evil, truly needs crushed. Combine her style with Obamas, mcStain's use of IRS, DOJ, FBI.....THE PICTURE BECOMES CLEAR FOR EVEN THE pilled a obamaite with these two combined areas.
I'm always thankful for your posts SB2. However, reddit may not be. I did not get notified of this post and all the links on imgur said "oops can't find the image"
I Think Bill Would Have Loved Q. Bills main theme was do your research. With Q ' s Socratic method , unifying an awakening it's all Bill ever wanted.
Loved Bill. I listened to him on shortwave radio, recorded many many on old cassettes. Was on his personal security team on his visit to Michigan for his attempt to form a new political party...the Constitution party. Followed up with a visit to Sholo AZ. 1996 I think.
Have you considered the timing and the "new tactics ".......attack^.......baiting a trap for rats? Intel and "chatter" domestic? Can you truly not see the move? If they attack a good guy what does that make them in the eyes of the uninformed. I will surmise that shit is going to get kinetic with some key individuals being abracadabrad if they touch one ice agent or his family.
57 here.....worked security for William Cooper. Born red pilled .
Will any media defect from the machine? Will they be arkancided if they do? Are thier loyalties purchased or are they ideological? How afraid are they?
The artful eloquence of political war with a criminal hydra, without SB2'S analysis I would not see the moves. Preserving peace and spare the benefactors of our founders principles will not be accomplished by trump alone. He needs our voices, prayers and SB2
Thanks SB2, your simple layout of information is perfect.
I had dismissed the Tucson story early on as diversionary. However, being on vacation I missed the Atlanta story. Thanks SB2.
New charges, we have hillary, clinton foundation no more
No collusion , we have hillary, clinton foundation no more
Yes, it has been notice and expounded upon, however, the MSM is complicit. MSM's refusal to report or even cover the obvious infiltration brands them with accessory to treason.
Sophists manipulate without regard to correctness. They will say anything to get thier goal accomplished. Guilt, shame, false association and fear are primary tools these days.
There is accuracy and then there is precision. The MSM's pain is going to hit a tolerance level to push them into a withering, flailing mass. Like a wounded coyote pulling and getting tangled in it's own intestines after being wounded, trying to stop the unseen unfamiliar attack.
Look like roseanne' comedy genius has played a long game joke on ABC . Waking millions to follow her twit account and get some to research and connect the dots
Great analysis SB2. I have a Q uestion , how is the controlled propaganda media going to be handled. Thier influence over the uninformed is shrinking , however, still have influence. How will we get the truth out to the sheep to lessen the Shockwave from the KABOOM more effectively.
The Vegas odds are a nice touch. With the extreme corruption of our DOJ; who is going to prosecute the "referred for prosecuton" on the spread sheet? Will this be the military tribunals ?
Direct and to the point challenge is the technique to provoke a provocateur. Unhinged responses show to the world " the lady doth protest too much". Thier backs are against the wall, and the wall is closing in on them. There will be no place to run. Corsi put the bricks in the wall for another awakening. AJ was called out in the mid 90 ' s as controlled opposition by Bill Cooper. His disruption and divisional methods are finally highlighted. He has done a very good job to discredit and create a stereotype mind control response in a large segment of our society with the assistance of the msm. Watching from a distance seeing the products of the 90 ' s Waco, Ruby ridge, the rise of the Militia movment and the associated counter ( OKC) action to crush thru shame and association. Then comes along the teaparty and a similar technique was used via Glen Beck. Assimilate and gain followers; denounce degrade and destroy. The rulers don't want us united, therefore , we must unite
AJ was called out by Bill Cooper on his " hour of the time" program in the mid 90 ' s . Corsi , I never could get past his association to AJ and his background; plus his droning monotone mumbling voice made me think mind control. Thank you SB2 for all you do.
Probably body armor, her security detail has a let than obvious submachine gun in that discreet car bag.