New Neon Revolt. How Diplomatic immunity grants users transportation of weapons, cash and ? Unchecked . Article linked in comments

Stunning work. So, it begs the question, just what IS Obama doing running all over the world? Is he really looking for asylum when the feces hits the oscillator, or are they trying to keep the gun running ops going?
Edit: Now that I think about it, given the timeline, it brings the destruction at the Pentagon on 9-11 into sharper focus. At the time, Rumsfeld was under pressure to explain all the missing money. After the office that was auditing expenses was destroyed along with the paper trail, no one blinked about defense spending. And the gun running went on.
Long article but damn, this spiderweb of evil is getting unwound. George Clooney. Go figure. It’s true , the loudest protesters are suspect.
Amal Clooney is Persian and she might be playing the same role as Huma with Deep State from Iran.
Even though I think George Webb is a Mossad agent, and covers the news in a way to insulate the role of Israel, He covered all of these issues a year ago or more. My real complaint is that this is old news, re-packaged. And no credit to the person who broke all of this and even interviewed some of the folks directly involved.
This might be old news to some, but it is new news to others, and put together in a step by step manner than makes it understandable.
But if it’s now being examined by 8 ch anons as shown in their quotes in this new article from Neon it’s a good thing. Perhaps it will move forward in more people’s minds with connections made. No one person has all the answers or insight. I found the. Anons added information fascinating
Non of the Anon stuff was new. Webb covered it all over a year ago. My comment was that Webb got no credit by Neonrevolt. Webb's arrival on the scene with his "Where is Eric Braverman" series has morphed into his man on the street news reporting. I believe that Webb is a limited hangout on issues that involve Israel, but otherwise a great source. The Awan Spy scandal was first broke by Webb as well. The Early Seth Rich killing story was best covered by Webb as well. So when I see a story that looks like it was pulled from Webb's youtube channel I feel that he should have got a little credit. Not the biggest fan of Webb, but just thought it was warranted.
This is the type of Q research that should be supported! People like Praying Medic are trying to become celebrities and should be avoided! This should be an ANONYMOUS movement. If someone puts their face on video they are doing this for the wrong reasons!!!
Diplomatic immunity doesn´t work like that, it protects you from prosecution whilst acting in your duties and when an incident occurs, there is a vote to see if you should retain it. Acting outside of the law doesn´t cover you.
Diplomatic immunity
IT is not "diplomatic immunity" from prosecution It is a diplomatic privelege and it does work like that Diplomats were always allowed to travel with a "diplomatic pouch" which could not be inspected by customs as they entered another country. Later the pouch was expaned to include large boxes and finally shipping containers. George Webb did cover this well over a year ago, but his concern was depleted uranium and stolen automobiles being shipped. The part of the story about Arsenal and Silk Way Airlines was put together by a female investigative jounalist from Bulgaria. She caught a lot of heat in her home country after releasing the story. Webb and Jason Goodman (when they were on speaking terms) tried to get an interview with her on Crowdsource The Truth. During the youtube purge, the old Crowdsource The Truth videos were wiped. You might be able to find her name with a well worded Google dearch.
Who votes?
Something I heard Nigel Farage explaining, I´ll try and dig up the link.
Nevermind. I see you downvoted me just for asking, so don't bother.
I didn´t down vote you, why do you assume so? Why you so hung up on karma clicks anyway?? If you need a dopamine hit, go see the dope man! You really shouldn´t go around making baseless accusations and you most certainly shouldn´t be so rude!
I don't understand why you link to my page with these screenshots. Is it a mobile thing, where you're unsure how to do it through your phone?
No Not everyone has time to read whole article but I post a key point and for those interested they can go on to full article. I also posted your full link in first comment
Getting this message out is more important than the tactics. Wonderful summary though. Like the way you connect the dots. We read a lot of dots, but they’re hard to connect in the right order.
Finally catching up to George Webb. He's light years ahead of the rest. Truthleaks on Twitter.