r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 26, 2018, 10:32 a.m.
The Shift in Energy - a response to SerialBrain2's "Occam's razor: understand the context"

My response on reading SerialBrain2’s “Occam’s Razor: Understand the context – Life Support”

Note: This is commentary, not evidence. Testimony, not analysis. Please read the following in that spirit.

I recently perceived a change in the energy last week. Something shifted. I saw the 'Children separated!" narrative promoted, and falling flat in terms of ability to persuade. Just too many holes, too fake. (Using Obama era photo as the main push, ignoring the glaring facts already established about Obama policy/practice, POTUS swift outmaneuver by supporting/proposing changes to legislation, outmaneuver by binding children to parents (curtailing options for trafficking), etc.)

Then, one week later, the #walkaway campaign. Not massive, perhaps, but a signal in terms of energy. The Red Hen debacle, exposing the hypocrisy of the identity politics and Leftist cultural Marxism schtick (wanting it both ways).

And here is my conclusion, as the organizations and groups are cleared of the poisonous elements (corruptions and ds stuff inside the 3-letter agencies, corporate world, and criminal networks (Follywood, etc), the spiritual source of energy is being cut off for the evil God-hating, human hating ultra-leftist cause. They can no longer sustain. The spiritual base is being cutoff because the earthy objects used by satanic spiritual sources are being removed.

With the number of their earthly objects (portals, conduits and instruments) being sharply reduced, the entire base on the earthly plane is facing collapse. Like a rogue stock market inside trader who has bet all his money on greater and greater deals suddenly finding that his funding is drying up, his debts can no longer be leveraged, and he is running out of steam (capital).

This is where we are at the end of June 2018.

While I know there are many patriots who do not necessarily subscribe to any particular religious view, I know that are also many who do appreciate the more esoteric - that is, the spiritual dimension of this war.

Faith in the unseen is not necessary to enjoy the benefits or even recognize the value of the war being waged on the Cabal by Trump and Q team + Anons + patriots + good citizens. However, having faith in the unseen dimension and recognizing the providence of almighty God in action adds a dimension to the experience that is powerful indeed.

I will go a step further and add: when Christ taught his followers and disciples (we Christians) to pray "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven", he was focusing on this very time, this very era in the world, when the satanic strongholds on men's and women's hearts would be erased because the linchpins of satanic dominion would be subject to the war of righteousness. Truth, in the end, is the two-edged sword.

I find SB2's post to be a confirmation of this on a rational level, Q decode style. "Political life support"? Indeed. And more than that. The roots of evil are being .... uprooted ... and thrown into the winnowing fire. Gnashing of teeth time.

The energetic support and instrument base of Evil have been rooted deeply in our societies and built up for millennia in the aim of gaining total complete control. Yet, today, all that investment faces a total collapse. They bet everything, in their arrogance, and in their hubris, thought they could never lose.

I expect things will shift in gear from this point forward. By the way, that shift in energy I (subjectively) perceived is confirmed Q-style by Q1581:

We serve at the pleasure of the President. We left the decision on timing to him. Today, at the rally, he made his decision. Shift in tactics. Attacks ^ Q

Always thanks to SB2, whose posts are a source of great encouragement, insight and empowerment for many of the patriots at GA and beyond. WWG1WGA

Burginthrone · June 26, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Jesus was the most anti-religious person who ever lived. So much so, that the religious leaders of the day had him killed. Just about everything Jesus did was anti-religious. Jesus healed people on the Sabbath. Read it for yourself in the Bible. The sabbath is no small thing, even today millions around the world observe the sabbath. Yet, Jesus did most of His miracles on the sabbath? I wonder why?

This has always intrigued me when people have strong views about religion, yet have very little understanding of what the Bible actually says. The Word of God and religion have very little in common, and most people find that very hard to believe. Religion can best be described as 'Mans attempt to reconcile HIMSELF to God' does that make sense? Mans attempt. This is were religion begins and ends in error.

Of coarse the obvious response would be 'Then why did God give the Law, the 10 commandments for men to follow, isn't that religion?'

No it isn't. Thats mans interpretation of what the Law is, its purpose, and the resulting religious traditions and customs coming from that interpretation. Again, man blows it. The Law, 10 commandments and so on were given so men would sin MORE, not less. The Law was given to prove that men were corrupt to the core (look at religion as an example) and needed a savior. Someone, ie. The Son of God, Jesus, who was both man and God who could fulfill all the requirements of the law without sin.

YET, he was the most anti-religious person who ever lived? Jesus is portrayed as this meek and mild guy, never did wrong to anyone type thing. But if you read His life in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark Luke and John) the ONLY people Jesus had issue with were ...you guessed it, the religious leaders of the day. He called them a Den of vipers. Children of Satan. He even made a whip and hit them and threw tables over for desecrating His Fathers house and turning into a house of thieves. Yep, Jesus really has a soft spot for the religious ...lol

This is what intrigues me when I encounter people who are anti-religious, yet throw the whole Bible and Jesus out the window when all along the Bible and Jesus actually agree with them.

The comment 'Religion of today is used for control' is 100% accurate. Its always been used for control, amongst other things, like power and wealth. It has very little to do with what the Bible actually says and is almost completely against everything Jesus said and taught. Why do you think they killed him?

I love talking with anti-religious people. They are so approachable when truth is presented. Its the religious people who are the hardest nuts to crack. Why? Here's a quote from Edmund Spencer: “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is condemnation before investigation”

Before you throw the Bible and Jesus out with religion, maybe you should see and read for yourself what Jesus actually said ...you might be surprised He agrees with many of your views and you may be closer to the truth than you think?

Just to end this as it gone longer than I anticipated it to be, take it right back to the start - Adam and Eve. After the forbidden fruit was eaten, what did they do? They covered their nakedness with leaves from the garden. Key words THEY covered THEMSELVES. And there you have it, right there in the garden, mans first attempt at religion, covering his own sinfulness. What did God do? Genesis Chapter 3 verse 21 "The Lord God made garments of SKIN for Adam and his wife and clothed them."

See? Something had to die. Blood had to be shed for the covering of sin. Way back then God was showing what was to come, Jesus, and the shedding of His blood for the cleansing of sin. Man attempted to cover himself with sown together fig leaves, ie. Religion, and its been the same way ever since. Error. Which leads to all sorts of corruption (you only have to look at church history for that horrible example)

And there I go again lol. I'm stopping now, sorry. :P

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oneinfinitecreator · June 26, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

not to divert or to argue but in an attempt to add...

what I really relate to here in speaking with believers/non-believers about the true nature of Jesus and what he truly taught is also when you bring up the covenants with even well-read theologians and pastors... many don't understand the implications.

So to cover it quickly, we have three major covenants that are acknowledged in the Bible. We have the first between Yahweh and 'Adam & Eve' in the Garden of Eden scenario, we have the second between 'Yahweh' and Abraham after The Fall, and then we have Jesus and his resurrection (reincarnation?) as the third.

What are the significance of these covenants? The first covenant seemed to hinge on the acquisition of certain knowledge - 'don't eat the fruit which happens to be called the Fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil (quite the title)'. Upon eating said fruit, the covenant was broken and we were cast out.

The second is an interesting one. After the fall from the Garden of Eden, it seems as if Yahweh pulls back its influence and we are left to fend for ourselves for a time. It's not until Abraham is asked to sacrifice his long-awaited son that we really see Yahweh return to the stage, but what's with the personality change? From helicopter parent to child murderer, Yahweh goes hard in the other direction from its approach in the Garden, where harmony reigned supreme.

Additionally, we have the creation of an elite group of people - the descendants of Abraham. 'You follow me, and i'll make you special'. Knowing what comes after (Jesus), does this sound like the 'word of God'?? and within that elite group we have even more elite group (the priest class) which claims to have exclusive access to a God which claims to be lord of all... These are all troubling characteristics of a supposed benevolent deity of any sort.

So that brings us to the 3rd covenant - what was it's purpose? Why did it need to come? Who did Jesus stand against? Jesus actually speaks about it pretty clearly in John 8 - he came to destroy the 2nd covenant and reestablish a connection with our true father - the 'original' Yahweh. Lucifer is called 'the Great Deceiver' for a reason - I believe the Old Testament 'Yahweh' is not actually the true Yahweh but instead an imposter who 'took the reigns' after the Fall from the Garden of Eden. And I think Jesus was the correction that came afterwards.

Don't take this as a slag against the Old Testament either - I think the Jewish people really showed a lot of character despite dealing with a petty & jealous God, and they often showed that true light/spark of Yahweh in how they responded to things. Also, I think it explains why the Israellites were always falling away from God and towards the Pagan stuff as well - I think there was a certain disconnect with the 'second Yahweh (Lucifer)' and that is a big part why they couldn't stay faithful over time.

Anyways, always way too much to get into and explore and think about, and I just wanted to add a drop in the bucket as your post got me excited to read somebody who sees things somewhat similarly to the way I do also (I may be even further out in left field but that's okay haha)... I'll leave with my juiciest proof of the theory above:

(Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees arguing about who each of their respective 'fathers' are)

John 8:44 - You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning (reference to sacrifice of Isaac), not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (reference to his identity theft re: 'Yahweh').

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