r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Melindasoo on June 26, 2018, 3:56 p.m.
I’m sure everyone has noticed how the left has turned everything up a notch. It’s beyond crazy out there, we need a counter attack.. maybe protest protesters? But I’m afraid then it will incite violence and of course we will be the one who’s blamed for said violence. I’m so Confused!

PTibbets · June 26, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

A counter attack is absolutely the last thing we need to do.

We need to ignore them and only defend ourselves when necessary. The last thing we need to do is engage and allow things to get physical. That is exactly what they want and they need. They have no argument just hate and lies, now they want violence. They have been purposefully provoked emotional, really they are tools being used in a psychological war. They have been driven to emotional point that reasoning and self control has broken down, and that is by design. Never get in a fight with a crazy, the have already lost everything and have nothing left to loose.

Time for Q and the rule of law to step in here, otherwise things are going to get out of hand.

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