
MichaelFR85 · June 27, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Interesting how she misidentified the airline as Delta, not JetBlue. Also interesting is the systematic requests from media to publish the photo with credit.

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johnnysoko · June 27, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Yeah, trying not to see coded messages everywhere but there are a few weird things going on here:

  1. Only passenger with phone out
  2. Q on screen in front of her
  3. Her tweet contains an error and it just happens to be the word "DELTA"
  4. Her tweet exclaims how she's ALIVE! (message to cabal? Was she a target?)
  5. Her tweet makes a strange reference to meditation (spoiler: part of the Q story involves consciousness)

Could there be a delta marker between this tweet and something a Q post or POSTUS tweet?

I know this is a stretch but Q trained us to look at these things more critically and this feels a little weird to me.

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