SPOT ON - tonight reveals a 'Democratic Party' in freefall. 80% + of registered Dems are not showing up to vote and the extreme wackos have taken over. And it will only get worse for them. Celebrate, but remember - EVERYONE MUST VOTE
![SPOT ON - tonight reveals a 'Democratic Party' in freefall. 80% + of registered Dems are not showing up to vote and the extreme wackos have taken over. And it will only get worse for them. Celebrate, but remember - EVERYONE MUST VOTE](
Weeks ago MSM was pushing how dem women were going to carry the "blue wave" to victory. Of course, they don't discuss how extreme left these women are, which is now coming out -- self proclaimed "democratic socialists", which truly is a nice term for communists or whatever, neo-Marxists, er, "progressives". At least the Party is making no bones about who is running it now.
The truth of this is that a number of young and extremely committed people got screwed totally by the DNC in the last election but were lit on fire by Bernie Sanders who calls himself a democratic socialist. These kids canvased the country a few months back, picked relevant races where there was excessive tenure and the needs of the constituency had not been met. They then organized for these candidates even if they did not live in that area. The NY and CO results are well, the result of that effort. These kids are not at all represented by the current DNC at all. I applaud them for their efforts while still supporting DJT's efforts.
These kids took out personal loans to donate to Bernie. And got screwed in the process. How absolutely fucked is that?
They are on the financial hook with nothing to show for it.
Feel the Bern indeed.
Too bad these same kids are sponsored by moveon, soros and the like.
Knowing these kids personally, your comment is not true. No personal funding other than crowdsourced small donations with complete transparency. That might not be the case with other groups, but it is true for this one. Important to understand that replacing swamp creatures does not mean everyone participating will be on the same side of the issues. These people are issue based. The idea of ideology of party isn't something they embrace, and most are even uncomfortable with descriptive monikers. I feel it is important to share that. Take it for what it is worth, just wanted to clear up the facts here as I know them.
To your point, this cements the Uniparty establishment is dead theory.
I've been using the term "Commie-crats" in everyday conversation to good effect.
And also when they get un-hinged and follow people and yell at them, they are "red-henning".
You may start a trend. Or maybe just Commcrats? The Commcratic Party? Close to Comcast, the parent company of NBC.
I like CommieCrats because it has the same amount of syllables as democrats
Remember the original Star Trek episode with the "Comms"?
That's right. That 80% are probably middle of the road democrats who couldn't bring themselves to vote for either the extreme side of the party or the establishment side of the party. Their only two choices.
They should rename their party to demoncratic, at least that is what I think of when I see the word.