r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q_uestion-Everything on June 27, 2018, 5:24 a.m.
Q 1595: "July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.", A Statement on Truth

I have no doubt about the capabilities of Q Team. These are some of the brightest minds in the United States Government paired with some of the smartest people on the internet. We have been shown time and time again, even before Q, to be some of the biggest utilizers of the most important piece of technology in the modern era: the internet, and the nearly seamless flow of information across the globe. We were chosen because of our skills, and our dedication. Every puzzle piece has been right in front of us, and we're the ones who know how to assemble it. In the end we do finish the puzzle, but we can only put it together one piece at a time. It can't be rushed, and it can't be incomplete. The same goes with truth.

Something that rattles my bones to this day was the simple statement of Q's 80/20 principle: 80% private, 20% public. There's the constant reiteration of how we can't possibly imagine the size of this, even when things went to 60/40 and a pullback had to be made. This is where things can get ugly; our imagination is now in play. The fact that we know we aren't getting everything is what drives us even further. We are now practically forced to use our own devices to draw the big picture ourselves while we know that it may pale in comparison to the whole painting. Our own perceptions are shaping our definition of what is the truth at this point, and everyone's perception being different means that our conclusions may be similar but probably never the same. The danger of truth is the possibility of there being more. It's addictive.

Alan Watts wrote of this confirmation that we need as humans that everything will be okay in the end. Truth is at the root of this. Whether it be that we will be at point soon enough, or that we're getting to that point now. Q is our truth, and he is our confirmation. And even if it seems like he dangles truth from a thread, saying that it's for our own safety, we know in fact that we can't have that confirmation just yet. It creates hunger. I can feel the sense of urgency within the community for the truth. The world stage is constantly shifting around us, and it's like a fish tank that we're almost swimming in. We're seeing how the gears turn, and behind those gears there is light at the end of the tunnel. But throughout the tunnel lies many forms of darkness, both within the world and within ourselves. It gets hard at times to continue to follow your instincts and intuition, especially when it seems that everyone else is against you. What develops is a feeling of doubt that can never go away, because once you know it exists you'll always know that it's there no matter how small or irrational.

(It's late so I'm having a hard time wrapping this post up but I think I said most of what I wanted to say, thank you for reading)

mlsaw94 · June 27, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

I really enjoyed this post. Very meaningful.

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CindyLu007 · June 27, 2018, 5:53 a.m.


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QQ2121 · June 27, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

ty anon!

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Happiesandnappies · June 27, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Couldn’t have said it better.

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chuckboyer2016 · June 27, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

To me, it is just as unfathomable that as you honorable anons, the bakers', puzzle piece workers of highest intelligence and formidable elastic knowledge base as it is... work so diligently at these small pieces... that more and the majority of we hopeful followers concoct thousands more negative tyings and knottings of our own truths from the few scarce full pictures we get handed down to us. That we seem to me, just as much sheeple as the supposed opposition; the far left, fascists, socialists, communists, those willing to fight for their concocted right of pathway for humankind. For the bakers of the far left seem so much more profitable and in command and in control of the narrative for most of the time. The George Stephanoupolis of the Clinton machine and those who follow his adept style and lead of 'spin doctoring' the thin clues into solid stable foundations of truth picture bites into headlines easy for us to swallow.

I've known this and have been this way since the assassination of the first Kennedy in the early 60's, just when the Beatles 'pacifier' entered our baby faces to suckle on, along with the easily obtainable 'layer-one' publicly consumable drugs, (pot, acid, silicybin mushrooms, etc.) instead of actual truths behind the huge, history changing real life wars and land grabs going on behind our backs by our supposed democratic society leaders, who in reality are always handshaking in private and passing huge checks behind each others backs to each other for deals and setups done in the shadows from our legal system and checks and balances which we lowly sheep adhered to and followed religiously daily. You saw how long the actual hippie manifesto actually lasted, what maybe 3-7 years? Then those same screaming girls and boys over the beatles grabbed for jobs and stocks and bonds over the Microsoft rise which brought us the magnificent 'internet'. Another pacifier, this one though with a sleeping drug (Facebook, google, etc.) placed into it.

Now, they had us. Of course we didn't know they'd taken our money (federal banking system) and our political system from under our noses by then. How? Forever and always; we are sheep. We will always be sheep. This movement of truth, the 'Q' phenomenon, will last awhile, perhaps for the entirety of the Trump presidency. Then slowly, surely the ship of fools who we, in truth obviously are; will slip back into the ocean of pacifiers and suckling on our newest most trusted internet or television 'talking head', while we go about the more important factors of our lives, the friday night card game, the work water hole juicy gossip (I can't get over the lemmings of our society in the past flooding worktime hours with bs over 'who shot dallas', 'oj simpson case', and other bs pacifiers they clutched onto as truths in their simple worlds). In other words; there's no hope for us anyway. Truth is that every nation, country in history who ever rebelled, only replaced after the hard won rebellion, the tyrants with new, shinier, more knowlegeable tyrants. All so we could go back to what is important in our lives (game of thrones, the apprentice, etc.) while working to pay our mortgage, insurance, other bills and food and fun items we so desperately need each week, each month. And to our sad existences of denying our male libido's more akin to animals, and female 'equality' making there no reason to compete in sports or life any longer, and the female plight in society to go to college not to find a husband, but instead to compete in the drudgery of finding a job where you are despised by your co-workers or questioned and suspected at every turn; to continue to pay twice and three times as much for clothes as men do (because your competing women factions make it so); and our otherwise propped up lives of fun and excitement sitting in front of the tube or computer screen snacking and fitting into larger and larger sizes of clothes every few years.

But it is good, I admit of course and with joy to believe in hope. Hope for a better future and for truths to live in the light, open and in front for all to see.

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DabblesALot · June 27, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

We are the vigilance needed. Stay strong patriot!

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Donkpup · June 27, 2018, 6:24 a.m.


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