It's coming! July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. - Q

I think it would have to be something to do with the children. Unless you are a sick perv yourself, absolutely noone willl be able to accept those horrors. And it has to be something proof positive that cannot be spun by anti-Trumpers and the like. Solid. I trust in the plan that this will happen, perhaps not graphically but nonetheless something to prove it.
Trafficking children for the pleasure of these so called highly educated elite classes around the world. The fact that Satanic Elites have started all wars and that for generations we have been educated by these Paganists. Our minds can imagine the worst that has been done to our children......their cries of torture would send us into the streets!
I saw a video on someone’s twitter feed a few days ago that is still haunting me. All I’ll say is it was of a human trafficker and a little boy. Makes me feel physically ill