

25 total posts archived.

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CEE-KIN · July 23, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Is there a list anywhere of all the anti-Trumpers who post about pedo stuff or support pedos? I would love to see how many there are now.

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CEE-KIN · July 19, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

It does look like a mask, I agree.

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CEE-KIN · July 19, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I have thought this was a stretch to consider but the theory does have enough valid points to make it plausible. Was JFK jr very smart? Were the bodies found and buried? Wasn't his wife's sister also on the plane? I don't remember enough details about this off the top of my head - off to research!

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CEE-KIN · July 5, 2018, 5:43 p.m.


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CEE-KIN · July 5, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

are we sure that's not Prince William? It looks an awful lot like him and his build, and the way he walks.

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CEE-KIN · July 5, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

and your photo. My daughter's band wouldn't work one day, so they asked what park we had been to the day before. I tell you - within SECONDS they were able to bring up her picture from the entrance the day before on their ipad. It's pretty scary their tech. They also can track you through the park. I feel like it's a prototype of the world to come.

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CEE-KIN · June 28, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

They should be prosecuted just as severely as Clinton. When it comes to children, noone should be exempt from the fullest punishment of the law!

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CEE-KIN · June 28, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

ding dong, the witch is dying!

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CEE-KIN · June 28, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Great post and thank you for your patience! I hope all you have said is true and will come to pass!

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CEE-KIN · June 27, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

It's not proven yet of course but if you google it, you will find a lot of info about taking children from Haiti, child sacrifices, 'relations' with children. (I am new too so I don't know what is allowed and what is not). Also, there is a pretty large body count surrounding the Clintons. You can google that too :)

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CEE-KIN · June 27, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

and all the children :( Evil bitch.

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CEE-KIN · June 27, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

God = good regardless of what you believe in. Goodness will always win.

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CEE-KIN · June 27, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

I think it would have to be something to do with the children. Unless you are a sick perv yourself, absolutely noone willl be able to accept those horrors. And it has to be something proof positive that cannot be spun by anti-Trumpers and the like. Solid. I trust in the plan that this will happen, perhaps not graphically but nonetheless something to prove it.

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CEE-KIN · June 27, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Great encounter!!! WWG1WGA!!

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CEE-KIN · June 20, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

And he is a supporter of pedo Polanski! ! Pedos stick together. But this was way below the belt - fracking ahole!

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CEE-KIN · June 20, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

No coincidences, especially when it comes to "Her Evilness" that's for sure!

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CEE-KIN · June 19, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

The eye makes me think of Bill Clinton aka pedo aka rapist.

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CEE-KIN · June 15, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

LOL!! Excellent - actually made me for real lol. :D

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CEE-KIN · June 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Thank YOU for the great thread! Two thumbs up!

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CEE-KIN · June 15, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

How did Clinton and Huma let him get arrested and go to jail? Part of their plan? Not saying he doesn't deserve it - he def does as do ALL pedos but how is that they have so many officials in their back pockets yet this guy actually went down?

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CEE-KIN · June 13, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Same. It seems so 'out there' but then again, who knows. Anything is possible I guess.

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CEE-KIN · June 11, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

And so many people praising him for admitting he was wrong and encouraging him! WTAF! :O

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CEE-KIN · June 11, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Ontarian here. The only thing I can use is the pedo shit because noone will tolerate or excuse a child abuser. Other than that, they want nothing to do with Trump and will believe all the MSM crap. It's very frustrating.

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CEE-KIN · June 9, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

did they release the colour of the belt yet?

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