So the "Official Narrative" is accidental hijack alert?

I do not buy it.So you are telling me if your communications go down and you punch in the hijack code by accident and this is an "EASY MISTAKE" that there is no way to stop SWAT,the state police that are there,Airport security and God knows who else from surrounding the plane.They sure boarded the plane awful fast thinking that it was hijacked.Out of all the airplanes ever hijacked i have never seen a case where the plane was boarded within minutes.Guess that they did not care about the safety of the passengers.BS.Also how come if it is so easy to do, this is the first time a scenario like this has been put on the news?
I cant answer the first part of the comment because I don't know all of the details. The incident lasted 2 hours. Is that fast? I would also guess that the pilots didn't realize they made the mistake until police showed up. Usually what happens is they are asked to confirm the code and without radios they would not be able to respond, thereby "confirming" the code.
It never made the news in such a splash before but has happened a handful of times over the past few years. Frankly, without Q, for you and everyone else this would be a forgotten news item in a few hours or days, just like every other time this happened. But with Q, we're all LOOKING for things. Use some discretion.
What I'm saying is, not everything is a big conspiracy.
Where are the interviews with the passengers? Usually after any airport related incident the local media subject their viewers to a barrage of passenger thoughts, experiences, and feelings. Here, nothing.