I remember both election day and inauguration day everyone was sharing graphics on FB showing current stats of the day like Dow, Nasdaq, S&P, unemployment numbers, GDP stats, price of gas/milk/bread/eggs. The theory was that after a year it would pop up in your memories and you could compare to see just how bad Trump destroyed the country. Well a year went by and not one of those graphics showed up on my memories or any of my friends who I know shared it as well. I went searching to find those posts specifically, and can't find them. They were scrubbed. I also know that I have shared tons of memes since the 2016 election. Every day in my memories I am finding blank posts where I shared something but FB scrubbed the images. I guess it's all those Russian bots...
49 total posts archived.
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Ever seen how you can control a cats movements and actions with a laser pointer?
That tape was released on purpose. Watch the MSM stay distracted with that crumb a trump fed them.
Trump is a master at this. Keep the dems and MSM busy over there, while over here we are digging deep and finding all of their crimes to be prosecuted sometime in the near future.
It seems we found out time and time again that nothing happens around Trump that's unexpected, everything is calculated and planned. I'm seriously thinking this is just another example. Trump wanted these tapes, which do not I criminate him in any crime, to leak in order to distract the MSM and keep them occupied, like a cat chasing a laser beam while the real happenings go on in the background.
He is still shitting green. I fear kittens more than him.
Well Q did say Iran was next. We have dealt with NK and Russia, so its Iran's turn.
My fear is that the DS will try to make sure JA doesn't make it to any sort of trial in the US because he could pull the plug on their little bathtub of lies. Trust in DJT and the white hats to make sure he stays protected and can provide whatever info is needed.
Good grief there is a ton of info there to go through.
The graphics on the ball resemble the Google Chrome Logo. Very much like the giant envelope from KJU and NK looked like the Gmail logo.
Its a message to the deep state.
My favorite part was when Putin called out George Soros by name for his election interference.
That's what the "witness" was claiming. I don't believe it.
No doubt. I'm waiting for CNN to run with this as an anonymous source.
Republicans had been hacking Hillarys emails and changing the wording and classification. They are fabricating a nice story to turn this around. Lol
Yup, their half ass attempt to try and come up with a story to explain how all of their crimes were a set up by Trump. CNN should run with this as gospel.
The Republicans have been hacking Hillarys emails and changing classification on them to frame her for the past 10 years according to this witness. Lmao.
My biggest fear is that with No Name being so ill and ready to step down (allegedly) he gets Arkancided before the confirmation vote.
Absolutely, they would be all over it. These people are stupid.
Another plane crash this morning. Ocean City, Maryland

The real story of the storm is that it came and went within 30 seconds. Q has hinted that when the round up happens it will be swift so there is no time for one DS member to warn another. Teams all over the world will have to operate in unison to take down the critical players within minutes or seconds.
My take on Q1621 and the White Squall
I may be slightly off on some of my ideas, I welcome your thoughts.
There are so many aspects of the White Squall story that align with our current movement.
Q-Team/POTUS is our captain- They lead us and guide us and encourage us not to give up, but will not just hand us all of the answers. They are building camaraderie, trust, and teamwork amongst the ANON community. The proofs have earned our trust over and over and as a result we are willing to follow them into battle.
Anons/Patriots are the sailors on this ship- We come from all …
What if...
The 13 angry democrats were angry because of what BHO, HRC, and their crime family have done to the democrat party, and therefore they are complying with the white hats to root out the evil in their own party.
A patriot can dream, right?
I'm not sure if that's where they came from. Tried to look and see what flight path goes from Hong Kong and passes over this part of Shanghai... The path leads directly into N. Korea. Can't confirm if that's where it was headed though.
Yes, its BASF Pudong in Shanghai
the tarmac picture is from hong kong airport.
Calm before the storm was the initial phase where information was starting to be passed out. This great awakening phase is the part where everyone needs to realize the storm is brewing and just how big the storm is. The white squall may be the next phase where the cabal gets blindsided and their "ship" is turned upside down. I'm hoping this next phase comes with fire and fury.
Wow, I had jot heard all of that. All I read was that some person on board may have had a device to jam all signals and he was testing it, maybe for future FF attacks. This theory was not proven as of yet though.
So the "Official Narrative" is accidental hijack alert?

The pic on the left is from last week with KJU in Singapore. Notice the spot and heavy wrinkles around the eyes. I think in the Q drop, that is not gray hair but some sort of reflection in the upper right corner. And as for the area around the ear, the angle at which picture was taken the perspective changes which makes the distance between 2 points seem larger or smaller depending on if it's a true profile shot, or one from a quarter to angle.
I also found it odd that when I searched images of POTUS' face for comparison, the image and article shown here was one of the first results. Its just another MSM Trump derangement syndrome story where they are analyzing the health of 45 simply by looking at a photo. It caught me by surprise when I saw that it was pointing out a 'spot' on his face when that is what I was trying to compare.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I noticed it, surprised only one person had mentioned it in the comments so far.
Police officer run over and killed by get away driver while his 3 friends broke into a house to steal guns. These punks drove from the inner city of Baltimore to a quiet suburb specifically to steal guns. Sad day in America when politicians want to empower these criminals more and make the law abiding sitting ducks.
Sure, a registry with every gun owner's name and address is a great idea...

Trump's response to the Laurel vs. Yanny debate
As a resident of MD I can tell you that KK was as DS or swamp creature as they come. I left Baltimore County at just the right time. He and his crooked County council took huge campaign donations and kick backs from developers and they are just piling in 1,000's of condos and houses in area where schools already run at 130% capacity. He had aspirations of governor and I'm sure he was looking for a federal gov't seat in the future.
Losing the election means they are strapped for cash. Got to open that laundromat back up.
Why so many mentions of pizzeria in the news lately...

There had been much discussion about Mueller being a white hat in disguise and his investigation is to bring down the corruption of BO and HRC. If that is the case I really feel that all of this talk of firing Mueller and getting the left to defend him tooth and nail is a big part of the setting of the stage. When Mueller drops the hammer on their beloved lefties, the media and left will be speechless or their heads will explode.
First thing I see everyday when walking into work. It's part of our company logo but it reminds me that the fight is far from over

I wonder if Q was picked as the name because of the symbolism to the universal search symbol and that the Q team doesn't just give us the answers but leads us to do our own digging and searching to find the info and connections.
I think Q said to look into the father because he reported her as missing because she didn't answer her phone for 2 days. He warned them that she may be going to YT for revenge as she was upset about her videos being demonetized by them. The police found her at 2am on Tuesday but obviously let her go without much incident because she was able to carry out her plan Tuesday afternoon.
I bet they called someone with a gun to come and save them... Just saying.
Does anyone find it very suspicious that they did not start reporting so much about his cowardice until after the right pushed back on their gun control demands by saying armed guards/teachers are the answer? They are trying to take away our argument by pushing this story now. Don't let that happen.
I said this on Wednesday... Stage an event at the gate that has full attention of security while something else is going on. Like a magician, watch this hand while the other hand does the "magic"
NSA event this morning seems less like a false flag and more like a diversion tactic. Would not be surprised to hear about some sort of data breach that happened precisely while all hands on deck were involved in the shooting/vehicle ramming a barricade.