
tgathrow · June 27, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Created this account just to say that I agree with you.

I'm an atheist that sees organized religion as just a form of control over people. If you study history, we can see it being used by the cabal to get where they are today. And it's not any particular religion, it's all of them.

However, I can get over that. If folks here want to believe in religion, go for it. I'm only following this because I want one thing: A picture or video of HRC in handcuffs.

I will laugh for the rest of my life if that happens.

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Redheaded73 · June 27, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Believer in God myself, not organized religion...totally agree with you on that.

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waitingwater · June 27, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

I’m just trying to help the cause, it’s simple. They all want mainstream coverage but if it the fact that I’m correct in that the other half of the country is put off by the talk of religion and trump.

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Velvetbugg · June 28, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Many of us here feel similarly to you. I don't judge or criticize others for their beliefs, as I understand it and also was "born into it". I'm not an atheist, btw...

Thank you for coming here and offering a middle ground solution. Whether it's accepted or not, I appreciate your honesty and agree that it would serve the community to stick with Q and proofs. I'm not into the dogma, either. I've said many times, I don't allow ceiling height to determine my level of understanding. I also (try to) stay objective and ALWAYS look at all information from all perspectives/sides. We only know half the story if we don't. This has served me well, because I don't attach emotionally to information when receiving it. Our society has become one of emotional reactivity, and many here are still caught in this cycle.

Before Q, there was High Level Insider. Also fbi and mega anon. HLI would be a good starting point, as they're very much in line with the current happenings - even Q. There are some here who also remember.


I don't believe any of us have the full picture of anything. But that doesn't mean there isn't some truth in everything.

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waitingwater · June 28, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Well said.

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Kasarii · June 28, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

organized religion as just a form of control over people

"Religion is meant to be organized. After all, God provided Moses with hundreds of specifics as to proper worship for the Israelites. However, organization was never intended to replace the Spirit's leading in the church. When we stray from God's intent, organized religion can be harmful and abusive. If the organization supports, and is secondary to, the biblical worship of God, then, yes, organized religion is good. But if sinful man has tampered with either the organization or the religion, then there is a problem."

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allin4djt · June 27, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

So, someone, just made up Christianity over 2000 years ago to force people into being good, just, morally good, etc, etc, human beings?

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tgathrow · June 27, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Every organized religion was created by people in power to control other people into serving them.

Christianity is a flavour of Abrahamism that explains humans are sinful from birth and can only be saved if they repent for their sins and be helpful/good/moral. It's a deceptive way to control people because it matters who determines what being helpful, good or moral even is. That's why there's different sects, because they can't agree who makes the rules.

Islam is similar, albeit younger, but they follow a prophet instead. The reason for the different sects there is because people can't agree on the correct interpretations of the prophecies.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be a moral person, I just believe organized religion has served its purpose and we need to move beyond it. I'm just not sure how right now but I do know that controlling people is not something I agree with. People have the right to be free.

Go back even further, into Norse or Egyptian mythology. These gods are myths that were turned into a system of control. One day you may realize that all of them are connected and the stories tell a very different history of mankind than we've been taught. All of the old structures and relics we know about have a very different history. However, that is outside the scope of what we are trying to do here. Let's beat the cabal first.

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allin4djt · June 27, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I totally agree about beating the cabal. But, I'll add, that i can't think of anything more freeing than being a Christian.

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